Recruiting PENTACELL Facilitators
21 June 2021 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
We need MSc alumni from across our School, with an interest in student wellbeing and desire to support new students, to steer a group of five students through regular weekly online encounters from September to December 2021. The programme is aimed at increasing inclusion, belonging and interdependency.
If you have insight into the student experience and have a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, we think you might be great for this role. Training will be provided, and you’ll be part of a wider team led by Rachel Gould and Ford Hickson. You will also get a £70 Amazon voucher in gratitude.
The PENTACELL scheme is supported by the Director and Senior Leadership Team and is running for most MSc Programmes.
You can register your interest by completing our online form. Please contact Alice Perry in the Alumni Office if you have any questions or would like further information.