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Bed bug being examined at LSHTM. Credit: Christian Sinibaldi

Infectious and tropical diseases programmes

Learn from world-leading experts on our stimulating research-led educational programmes in infectious and tropical diseases.

As a highly ranked specialist university, we provide the knowledge and skills you need to tackle the challenges of our time and improve health worldwide.  

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) has a legacy of 125 years of pioneering public and global health, we stand at the forefront of research, education, and policy impact.

Our infectious and tropical diseases programmes

MSc Control of Infectious Diseases

This course is designed to develop disease control experts to help shape the global health landscape. This MSc bridges the fields of epidemiology, laboratory sciences and public health. It develops your specialist skills, ready to influence research, policy, strategies and practices. You’ll gain critical knowledge in global health and infectious diseases, including investigating the transmission of endemic and epidemic infections, as well as understand how to select appropriate methods of control.

Discover MSc Control of Infectious Diseases

MSc Immunology of Infectious Diseases

This course is designed to explore bodily defences against infection and how this can be used to create lifesaving therapeutics and vaccines. Exploring a whole host of infectious diseases, you’ll master the basic principles of host immunity against the diverse range of pathogens that confront human populations. Studying at LSHTM, you’ll also benefit from our unique mix of expertise in immunology, vaccinology, molecular biology, virology, bacteriology, parasitology, mycology and clinical medicine.

Discover MSc Immunology of Infectious Diseases

MSc / PGDip / PGCert Infectious Diseases by Distance Learning

This course is designed to develop academic and practical insights into the biology of infective agents and their interaction with the host and the environment, both in a local and global context. This This directed self-study programme will give you a better understanding of bacterial, viral, parasitic and pathological infections in global contexts through the study of infectious diseases. Discover how the basic principles of public health, biostatistics, epidemiology and biology apply to the control of infectious diseases and build your specialism within the general area of infectious and pathological diseases.

Discover MSc / PGDip / PGCert Infectious Diseases by Distance Learning

MSc Medical Microbiology

This course is designed to provide you with the skills needed to tackle microbiology challenges in the ever-evolving world of pathogens. Taught by international experts, you will gain unique insights into current global challenges and undertake hands-on laboratory work to understand pathogenic microorganisms in depth. You will also build on specialist diagnostic, research, and analytical skills to assess and critique approaches to the prevention of disease.

Discover MSc Medical Microbiology

MSc Medical Parasitology & Entomology

This course is designed to explore the complex life cycles and biology of parasites and their vectors and see how technology has the potential to significantly advance this area to control and eliminate infections. This research-led programme provides you with a deeper level of understanding of how parasites cause disease and are transmitted and how best to control disease in humans. Teaching is delivered by parasitology and medical entomology experts at the forefront of the field. You will acquire an impressive array of practical skills and receive research training, carry out fieldwork and explore module options designed to develop your specialist knowledge.

Discover MSc Medical Parasitology & Entomology

MSc Public Health for Eye Care

This course is designed to help you develop better evidence-based interventions, and deliver better eye health services at the local, national and global level. Understand how general public health and epidemiological principles apply to the promotion of eye health in your own context and around the world. Develop the skills needed to critically appraise interventions and programmes, and undertake your own eye health research projects. Through this MSc, you will move beyond considering just the needs of the patient in front of you, to the needs of the entire population.

Discover MSc Public Health for Eye Care

MSc Tropical Medicine & International Health

This course is designed to develop the careers of medical doctors to make significant impacts on global health through knowledge and understanding of the contribution of medicine to humanitarian, LMIC and resource-constrained settings. As a medical practitioner looking to specialise in tropical medicine and international health, this course will facilitate you to examine the causes, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of major diseases in LMIC, humanitarian and resource-constrained settings. You will develop skills in diagnostic parasitology, microbiology and entomology, and knowledge of how to apply epidemiological and other scientific principles in evidence-based practice of global health.

Discover MSc Tropical Medicine and International Health

Other subjects

Not found a course for you? Take a look at our programmes in health and data, population health or public health and policy.

"I chose this MSc as it contains a mixture of theoretical components including human cellular immunology, molecular biology and an extended project where I could apply theoretical knowledge. Being taught by world-class experts in your area of interest and feeling the immersion of like-minded people motivates you to deepen understanding and broaden horizons in immunology."

Josh Penning-Lambert, United Kingdom
MSc Immunology of Infectious Diseases

In Conversation: Studying Infectious Diseases at LSHTM