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Legacies and in memory giving

A woman smiling at the camera, with the words 'Shape the future, leave a lasting legacy to LSHTM' in a box on the left

Remembering LSHTM in your will is a gift to future generations of students and researchers, funding scholarships for bright students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to study with us, and supporting innovation in our teaching and research.  

By leaving a lasting legacy to LSHTM, you will play a vital part in shaping the future of global health for generations to come.

Your support will help to empower our world-leading global experts to continue to respond to the biggest issues of our time. 

At LSHTM we have approximately 3000 staff conducting research in over 100 countries, we had 5128 students last year – all working with a collective purpose to improve health and health equity worldwide.

Reasons to give: giving back

Sultana Khanum with the words 'The best way I can continue to help save and improve lives worldwide is to leave a legacy to LSHTM'

Dr Sultana Khanum attended LSHTM in the 1980s after receiving a scholarship, and later went on to complete her PhD at our School.

“My legacy gift will enable more people like myself from low- and middle-income countries to access education through scholarships, removing financial barriers to study.” 

Sultana Khanum

Supporters have left legacies to our School ranging from £200 to £2.5 million. All are greatly appreciated, and all make a lasting difference.

Reasons to give: remembering a loved one

Harshad Topiwala, with the words 'In loving memory of Geekorben Topiwala' on the left

Friend of LSHTM Harshad Topiwala has a keen interest in history and was an Honorary Research Fellow at the School of History at the University of Kent. His research on colonial medicine can be found in ‘Indian Doctors in Kenya: The Forgotten Story 1895–1940’.

“I’m choosing to remember LSHTM in my will because tropical medicine is the focal point of my family’s heritage, and I would like to give back by remembering Geekorben whose kindness and selflessness towards my orphaned father made all of this a possibility.” 

Harshad Topiwala

Including LSHTM in your will is one way for a donor’s generosity to be remembered and for their passions and values to have an ongoing and lasting impact.

Legacy giving in action: Dr Anthony Twort

Hands being washed with soap, with the words 'The late Antony Twort graduated from LSHTM in 1954 with a degree in Public Health. Antony kindly remembered SLHTM in his will, pledging his gift specifically towards our vital work on water and sanitary health.'

If you would like to find out more, get involved or have any questions, please get in touch with us at:

Request a legacy pack to find out more