There are many ways you can make a gift to LSHTM, from wherever you are in the world. Each and every gift we receive makes an impact, from funding scholarships, to updating our facilities or investing in new avenues of research.
- Find out more about our fundraising priorities
- Find out more about the impact of giving
- Our commitment to donors
- Give online
- By Direct Debit
If you are a UK bank account holder, you can make a regular gift to our School by Direct Debit, either online or by downloading, completing and returning a donation form to the Development & Alumni Relations Office via email or post.
- Set up a Direct Debit online (select 'I'd like to give regularly')
- Download a UK donation form (pdf)
- By post
You can download, complete and return a donation form to the Development & Alumni Relations Office to make a single or recurring gift by post. If you are a UK taxpayer you can boost your donation by 25%, at no extra cost to you, by completing our Gift Aid declaration form. Tax effective giving is also available for US and Canadian supporters.
- Over the phone
If you would like to give over the phone, or if you have any questions about giving in this way, please contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office at or call +44 (0)20 7299 4772.
- Bank transfer
If you would like to arrange a bank transfer, or if have any questions about giving in this way, please contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office at or call +44 (0)20 7927 7878.
- Gifts of Stocks and Shares
Donors worldwide can make a gift of shares or stock. This option offers the most generous tax relief available to donors, combining relief on income and capital gains tax. In the UK, share gifts qualify for tax relief equal to the market value of the shares on the day the gift is made, including associated costs such as broker fees. The tax relief can be claimed for the year in which the gift is made. You can make your gift towards our greatest needs, or direct your gift to an area of your choice, including scholarship funding, research or capital projects.
Please contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office at or call +44 (0)20 7927 7878 for further information.
- Legacy and in memory giving
Remembering LSHTM in your will is a gift to future generations of students and researchers. Supporters have left legacies ranging from £200 to £2.5 million. All are greatly appreciated, and all make a difference.
What can my legacy support?
You can choose to support any aspect of LSHTM's work, from student scholarships to research on a specific disease. Or you can simply choose to support areas of greatest need - a powerful way to ensure our School can fund critical work at short notice.Making your pledge
To recognise and honour future legacies today, we appreciate knowing if you intend to remember LSHTM in your will. If you would like to speak to someone about making a legacy pledge, please contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office at or call +44 (0)20 7927 7878.In memory giving
Making a gift to LSHTM in memory of a loved one will keep their memory alive through our ground breaking work. You can choose to make your gift towards research, scholarships, or infrastructure. To find out more about in memory giving please contact Sarah Enderby, Annual Giving Officer on:, or +44 (0)20 7299 4772.- Trusts, foundations and corporate supporters
The growth of LSHTM and the reach of our work is made possible by the generosity of individuals, trusts, foundations and corporate donors. You can make your gift towards our greatest needs, or you can direct your gift to a specialism of your choice, whether that is towards one of our Centres or towards students studying a particular topic.
To find out more, please contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office at or call +44 (0)20 7927 7878.
Find out more about work enabled by some of our trusts, foundations and corporate supporters.
- American Friends
Giving from the US
LSHTM has a relationship with Myriad USA, which enables US based individuals to make secure, tax deductible donations.Give online
Make a single or recurring donation online to the American Friends at LSHTM at Myriad USA.Giving by cheque
Make cheques payable to Myriad USA, with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the memo section, and send to:Myriad USA, 551 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400, New York, NY 10176.
Wire transfer
If you wish to donate by wire transfer or if you have any further questions, please contact Myriad USA by telephone at (212) 713-7660 or email: