Faculty Epidemiology and Population Health Informing biological understanding of diseases and providing evidence for decision-making in global public health, using methodologically rigorous and innovative approaches. Faculty Infectious and Tropical Diseases Encompassing all of the laboratory-based research in the School as well as that on the clinical and epidemiological aspects of infectious and tropical diseases. Faculty Public Health and Policy The largest multi-disciplinary public health group in Europe, aiming to improve global health through research, teaching and the provision of advice in health policy, systems and services. Unit MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM Delivering innovative research on disease control and elimination, nutrition, and vaccines and immunity to save lives and improve health across the world. Unit MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit Internationally recognised centre of excellence for research on HIV/AIDS, NCDs, and endemic, neglected, emerging and re-emerging infections. research Doctoral College Our Doctoral College provides a focal point for doctoral training and early career researcher development.