Why I give
7 November 2024 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine https://lshtm.ac.uk/themes/custom/lshtm/images/lshtm-logo-black.png
Why did you choose to study Public Health MSc at LSHTM?
I had the opportunity to do a summer internship at the World Health Organisation as a medical student. Whilst there, I met many people who had studied up LSHTM and realised that it’s a true hub for public health training on the global stage. I was inspired to find a way to come to the School to study.
How did your experience at LSHTM shape your career and life experiences?
My time at LSHTM, and the experiences and training I received there, have been absolutely pivotal in shaping my career. In my clinical work, I am a geriatrician. My public health training has enabled me to make contributions to geriatric public health, starting with research about the social context of frailty and work on vaccines and vaccine preventable illnesses in older adults. Since the pandemic I have been honoured to contribute to vaccine policy in Canada. Although I had no idea while I was studying at LSHTM that this would be my career path, it made for a great foundation.
How do you feel about supporting scholarships, and why do you think this is important?
I had the good fortune of being able to attend LSHTM on a Commonwealth scholarship. I experienced the benefit of getting to work with and learn from students from around the world and think that it’s important to pay it forward so that other people have the same chance.
If you would like to support students like Melissa to fulfil their potential, make a gift now.
Why should others consider giving?
LSHTM is an institution that educates and also influences change and public health policy around the world. Supporting the school creates both educational opportunities and public health action.
How do you feel about being part of the alumni community?
I have enjoyed the serendipity of meeting and working with people in varied research, policy and practice contexts only to realize later that we had training at LSHTM in common. It has also been fun to keep up with classmates and see what great contributions they have been making around the world.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I have had the opportunity to visit the School a few times over the years, including with my children. Each time I visit I feel a renewed sense of inspiration. I hope they found it inspiring too!
If Melissa's story has inspired you, please make a gift.