
Prof Pauline Allen


United Kingdom

After taking a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University I qualified as a solicitor and practised company commercial law. I then made a career change into research by taking an MSc in Social Policy at the London School of Economics and working in an NHS district public health department. My PhD work at LSHTM was on the legal and economic aspects of the NHS internal market.


Department of Health Services Research and Policy
Faculty of Public Health and Policy


Global Health Economics Centre


I supervise a number of students looking at organisational issues in health care providers and health care systems.


I am co-director (with Professor Shereen Hussein of LSHTM and Professors Kath Checkland and Matt Sutton of Manchester University) of one the national Policy Research Units, funded by NIHR from 2011 to 2023. The research unit in Commissioning and the Healthcare System (PRUComm) is led by Professor Stephen Peckham of LSHTM and the University of Kent. It is a joint venture with the University of Manchester and the University of Kent.

My research interests include socio-legal theory, institutional economics, organisational theory, governance and the structure of the NHS.

In addition to researching these issues in the United Kingdom, I am collaborating with colleagues in China. I am Visiting Professor of Health Services Organisation at the Medicine and Health Management School, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

In 2018 we launched the Global Health Economics Centre Please visit our web page to find out about our work and download our most recent newsletter.
Research Area
Health care financing
Health systems
Policy analysis
Private sector
Health services
Economics (social science)
Socio-legal studies
Political science
Law (social science)
United Kingdom
OECD members

Selected Publications

“Success” in policy piloting: Process, programs, and politics
Checkland, K; Hammond, J; Coleman, A; Macinnes, J; Mikelyte, R; Croke, S; Billings, J; Bailey, S; ALLEN, P;
Public Administration
NHS procurement and the origins of the personal protective equipment crisis
BOIKO, O; ALLEN, P; Osipovic, D; SANDERSON, M; Checkland, K;
British Journal of Healthcare Management
Supporting integrated care in practice
Billings, J; Mikelyte, R; Coleman, A; MacInnes, J; ALLEN, P; Croke, S; Checkland, K;
Journal of Integrated Care
Autonomy, accountability, and ambiguity in arm’s-length meta-governance: the case of NHS England
Hammond, J; Speed, E; ALLEN, P; McDermott, I; Coleman, A; Checkland, K;
Public Management Review
How are clinical commissioning groups managing conflicts of interest under primary care co-commissioning in England? A qualitative analysis.
MORAN, V; ALLEN, P; McDermott, I; Checkland, K; Warwick-Giles, L; Gore, O; Bramwell, D; Coleman, A;
BMJ open
The spatial politics of place and health policy: Exploring Sustainability and Transformation Plans in the English NHS.
Hammond, J; LORNE, C; Coleman, A; ALLEN, P; MAYS, N; Dam, R; Mason, T; Checkland, K;
Social science & medicine (1982)
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