
Dr Saba Maria Lambert

Clinical Assistant Professor

POBox 2511
Addis Ababa

I am a part-time clinical research fellow based in Ethiopia, with a special interest in leprosy and tropical dermatology. I share my time between working as a researcher for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and being a leprosy clinician at ALERT hospital in Addis Ababa.
I also do some work in general practice.


Department of Clinical Research
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases



I am a tutor on the Leprosy- Leishmania/ Dermatology module on the East African DTM&H under LSHTM since 2012 (6 years), in Uganda and Tanzania. Student numbers vary from whole groups of about 70 to small groups of 12.
I have run a teaching session for the LSHTM Trachoma Group in Ethiopia on skin conditions in children.
In 2020 and 2021, I have contributed to teaching on leprosy on the Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. I am on the exam board of the MSc Tropical Medicine & International Health. I have also volunteered to tutor on the NTD module.

I teach on the Advanced and Basic leprosy courses at ALERT Training Centre at least once a year. Student numbers are usually between 20 and 40 on these courses

Clinical teaching for undergraduates, junior medical staff and nurses in the leprosy clinic at ALERT Hospital. Small group teaching with emphasis on clinical skills.

International courses at ALERT on leprosy clinical and programmatic management, January 2022.


My current research interest include leprosy reactions especially ENL ( and cutaneous leishmaniasis and other skin NTDs (

I am also involved in a project to improve the image of leprosy to fight the stigma faced by many people affected by leprosy:
Research Area
Clinical care
Clinical guidelines
Clinical trials
Systematic reviews
Primary health care
Disease and Health Conditions
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
Skin diseases
United Kingdom
Sub-Saharan Africa (developing only)

Selected Publications

An assessment of the reported impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on leprosy services using an online survey of practitioners in leprosy referral centres.
DE BARROS, B; LAMBERT, SM; Negera, E; De Arquer, GR; Sales, AM; Darlong, J; Dias, VL A; Rozario, BJ; Pai, VV; Alinda, MD; Listiawan, MY; Hagge, DA; Shah, M; Lockwood, DN J; WALKER, SL;
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Methotrexate and prednisolone study in erythema nodosum leprosum (MaPs in ENL) protocol: a double-blind randomised clinical trial.
DE BARROS, B; LAMBERT, SM; Shah, M; Pai, VV; Darlong, J; Rozario, BJ; Alinda, MD; Sales, AM; Doni, S; Hagge, DA; Shrestha, D; Listiawan, MY; Yitaye, AM; Nery, JA C; Neupane, KD; Dias, VL A; Butlin, CR; Nicholls, PG; Lockwood, D; WALKER, SL;
Three drugs are unnecessary for treating paucibacillary leprosy-A critique of the WHO guidelines.
Lockwood, DN J; LAMBERT, S; Srikantam, A; Darlong, J; Pai, VV; Butlin, CR; DE BARROS, B; Negera, E; WALKER, SL;
PLoS neglected tropical diseases
Picturing health: a new face for leprosy.
Lancet (London, England)
The prevalence and association with health-related quality of life of tungiasis and scabies in schoolchildren in southern Ethiopia.
WALKER, SL; Lebas, E; De Sario, V; Deyasso, Z; Doni, SN; MARKS, M; ROBERTS, CH; LAMBERT, SM;
PLoS neglected tropical diseases
A leprosy clinical severity scale for erythema nodosum leprosum: An international, multicentre validation study of the ENLIST ENL Severity Scale.
WALKER, SL; Sales, AM; Butlin, CR; Shah, M; Maghanoy, A; LAMBERT, SM; Darlong, J; Rozario, BJ; Pai, VV; Balagon, M; Doni, SN; Hagge, DA; Nery, JA C; Neupane, KD; Baral, S; Sangma, BA; Alembo, DT; Yetaye, AM; Hassan, BA; Shelemo, MB; Nicholls, PG; LOCKWOOD, DN J; Erythema Nodosum Leprosum International STudy Grou,;
PLoS neglected tropical diseases
The development of a severity scale for Erythema Nodosum Leprosum - the ENLIST ENL severity scale
WALKER, SL; Knight, KL; Pai, VV; Nicholls, PG; Alinda, M; Butlin, CR; Darlong, J; Hagge, DA; LAMBERT, SM; Listiawan, MY; Maghanoy, A; Nery, JA C; Neupane, KD; Pitchaimani,; Polycarpou, A; Sales, AM; Shah, M; LOCKWOOD, DN J;
A Randomized Controlled Double Blind Trial of Ciclosporin versus Prednisolone in the Management of Leprosy Patients with New Type 1 Reaction, in Ethiopia.
LAMBERT, SM; Alembo, DT; Nigusse, SD; Yamuah, LK; WALKER, SL; LOCKWOOD, DN J;
PLoS neglected tropical diseases
Validation of the Leprosy Type 1 Reaction Severity Scale in Ethiopia.
Saba M, L; Omer, H; LOCKWOOD, DN J;
Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Ciclosporin to Prednisolone in the Treatment of Erythema Nodosum Leprosum: Two Randomised, Double Blind, Controlled Pilot Studies in Ethiopia.
LAMBERT, SM; Nigusse, SD; Alembo, DT; WALKER, SL; Nicholls, PG; Idriss, MH; Yamuah, LK; LOCKWOOD, DN J;
PLoS neglected tropical diseases
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