
Dr Dalya Marks

Associate Professor

United Kingdom

0207 927 2177
Dalya has extensive experience of working in Public Health across London, and she has always been driven by a desire to address the health inequalities in our society. Dalya is co-located in Islington local authority where she works on a diverse portfolio, combining PH practice with academia and most recently as co-investigator on an NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) grant. The aim of HDRCs is for local authorities to become more research active and embrace research into local government decision-making practices.
Dalya is interested in integrating public health research into practice, and ensuring that her research is of relevance to policy makers and planners. As part of this function, she is part of the NIHR School for PH Research at LSHTM and ARC North Thames where she is academic lead for the Patient & Public Involvement and Engagement. Dalya’s current research interests focus on the wider determinants of health, particularly around place and health.

Dalya is passionate to develop innovative ways of understanding the needs of our communities, through research, and public engagement and participatory activities. Dalya has led and supported several research projects using the photovoice methodology. She is currently working on capturing young people’s views on the mandatory calorie labelling policy as well as evaluating selective licensing policy for private renting tenants.

She worked as a coronary heart disease manager at Ealing Primary Care Trust (2004-2006) before taking up the joint academia and practice post in 2006. Between 1997 and 2004, Dalya worked at the LSHTM researching the public health and policy implications of the screening for, and prevention of coronary morbidity/mortality (specifically familial hypercholeterolaemia).

Prior to this, Dalya was the study coordinator of the Whitehall II Study at University College London and worked on EU funded projects examining the differences in health outcomes across eastern and western Europe.


Department of Public Health, Environments and Society
Faculty of Public Health and Policy


Dalya is a Programme Director on the MSc in Public Health with a lead for projects. She is module organiser for the module 'Principles & Practice of Public Health' which is designed to consolidate student learning across the MSc PH General Stream. It has a practical focus, looking at how to apply knowledge and skills to practical public health problems and it runs over a 5 week period in Term 3 (April-May).

Dalya is part of the LEARN community at the LSHTM, as she is committed to educational research stimulated by her teaching management responsibilities.

In 2015, Dalya co-developed the Perspectivity PH Challenge, an innovative "PH Systems" board game. It acts as a learning tool for students, policy makers, clinicians and lay-people with an interest in systems and complexity to understand the complexity of population health decision-making (see The game is used for school and practitioner outreach & engagement, as a training tool for medical training as well as on MSc Public Health & Global Health Leadership programmes. The game is played in the Netherlands and New Zealand.

Dalya is also the training lead for the NIHR funded School for Public Health Research at the LSHTM.


Dalya is interested in ensuring academic research is accessible to practitioners and residents in the community and understanding how practitioners view and use evidence locally. She uses innovative participatory methods to understand the views of those less heard in research, for example using photovoice and go-along interviews. Dalya is a member of the School of Public Health Research exploring how the wider determinants of health (for example housing, and place-based health) might impact on health inequalities. She is particularly interested in understanding the policy environment required to support the transfer of knowledge between research and practice.

Her previous research involved evaluating various PH interventions (for example selective licensing interventions for housing, alcohol licensing, community interventions to prevent avoidable blindness), developing national guidance on the prevention of coronary heart disease and risk factors. Her PhD was on the economic, social and policy implications of screening for, and prevention of coronary morbidity/mortality (specifically familial hypercholeterolaemia [FH]). More recently she supported research exploring women's attitudes to, and acceptance of screening for ovarian cancer, specifically on the role that genetic testing plays in the decision-making process.
Research Area
Public health
Public health measure evaluation
Health education and promotion
Qualitative research
Health inequalities
Mixed methods research
Social and structural determinants of health
United Kingdom

Selected Publications

Surgical decision making in premenopausal BRCA carriers considering risk-reducing early salpingectomy or salpingo-oophorectomy: a qualitative study.
Gaba, F; Goyal, S; MARKS, D; Chandrasekaran, D; Evans, O; Robbani, S; Tyson, C; LEGOOD, R; Saridogan, E; McCluggage, WG; Hanson, H; Singh, N; Evans, DG; Menon, U; Manchanda, R; PROTECTOR team,;
Journal of medical genetics
Evaluation of public health interventions from a complex systems perspective: A research methods review.
MCGILL, E; ER, V; Penney, T; EGAN, M; White, M; Meier, P; Whitehead, M; LOCK, K; Anderson de Cuevas, R; Smith, R; SAVONA, N; Rutter, H; MARKS, D; De Vocht, F; CUMMINS, S; Popay, J; PETTICREW, M;
Social Science & Medicine
Applying a complex systems perspective to alcohol consumption and the prevention of alcohol-related harms in the 21st century: a scoping review.
Addiction (Abingdon, England)
Undergraduate and postgraduate education
Sykes, S; Gosling, J; MARKS, D; Sim, F; Wright, J;
Working in Public Health
Impact of selective licensing schemes for private rental housing on mental health and social outcomes in Greater London, England: a natural experiment study.
PETERSEN, J; Alexiou, A; Brewerton, D; CORNELSEN, L; COURTIN, E; CUMMINS, S; MARKS, D; SEGUIN, M; Stewart, J; Thompson, K; EGAN, M;
BMJ open
Ties that bind: Young people, community and social capital in the wake of the pandemic
BARKER, R; Rowland, S; Thompson, C; LOCK, K; Hunter, K; Lim, J; MARKS, D;
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health
Unselected Population Genetic Testing for Personalised Ovarian Cancer Risk Prediction: A Qualitative Study Using Semi-Structured Interviews.
Gaba, F; Oxley, S; Liu, X; Yang, X; Chandrasekaran, D; Kalsi, J; Antoniou, A; Side, L; Sanderson, S; Waller, J; Ahmed, M; Wallace, A; Wallis, Y; Menon, U; Jacobs, I; LEGOOD, R; MARKS, D; Manchanda, R;
Embedding Research on Public Health and Housing into Practice
Regulating the privately rented housing sector: evidence into practice
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