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Dr Melissa Neuman

Associate Professor

United Kingdom

I am an epidemiologist based within the MRC International Statistics and Epidemiology Group at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, with a particular interest in understanding the community-level determinants of health and supporting the design and evaluation of social interventions to improve population health. My particular interests are in HIV, sexual and reproductive health, and mental health.

I am co-lead for the Quantifying Impact theme in LSHTM's Centre for Evaluation. I am also a member of the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee for the Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health.


Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and International Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


Centre for Evaluation
Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre


I am Programme Director for the MSc in Medical Statistics.

I am module co-organizer for the Social Epidemiology module and contribute teaching to the DTMH programme, the HIV module, and several statistics modules.

Selected Publications

Economic cost analysis of door-to-door community-based distribution of HIV self-test kits in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Mangenah, C; Mwenge, L; SANDE, L; AHMED, N; D'ELBÉE, M; Chiwawa, P; Chigwenah, T; Kanema, S; Mutseta, MN; Nalubamba, M; Chilongosi, R; INDRAVUDH, P; Sibanda, EL; NEUMAN, M; Ncube, G; Ong, JJ; Mugurungi, O; Hatzold, K; JOHNSON, CC; AYLES, H; CORBETT, EL; Cowan, FM; Maheswaran, H; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F;
Journal of the International AIDS Society
Challenges in measurement of linkage following HIV self-testing: examples from the STAR Project.
NEUMAN, M; Taegtmeyer, M; Hatzold, K; JOHNSON, CC; WEISS, HA; FIELDING, K;
Journal of the International AIDS Society
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of community-based lay distribution of HIV self-tests in increasing uptake of HIV testing among adults in rural Malawi and rural and peri-urban Zambia: protocol for STAR (self-testing for Africa) cluster randomized evaluations.
NEUMAN, M; INDRAVUDH, P; Chilongosi, R; D'ELBÉE, M; DESMOND, N; FIELDING, K; HENSEN, B; JOHNSON, C; Mkandawire, P; Mwinga, A; Nalubamba, M; Ncube, G; Nyirenda, L; Nyrienda, R; Kampe, EO I; Taegtmeyer, M; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F; WEISS, HA; Hatzold, K; AYLES, H; CORBETT, EL;
BMC public health
A prediction model for neonatal mortality in low- and middle-income countries: an analysis of data from population surveillance sites in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Houweling, TA J; Van Klaveren, D; Das, S; Azad, K; Tripathy, P; Manandhar, D; NEUMAN, M; De Jonge, E; Been, JV; Steyerberg, E; Costello, A;
International journal of epidemiology
Does Community Distribution of HIV Self-test Kits Increase Uptake of HIV Testing at Population Level? Results of a Cluster-randomised Trial in Zambia
Tsamwa, D; Handima, N; Sigande, L; Nalubamba, M; Simwinga, M; Mwinga, A; Mwenge, L; HENSEN, B; Mulubwa, C; Johnson, C; Hatzold, K; Chintu, N; CORBETT, EL; NEUMAN, M; Ayles, H;
Costs of accessing HIV testing services among rural Malawi communities
SANDE, L; Maheswaran, H; Mangenah, C; Mwenge, L; INDRAVUDH, P; Mkandawire, P; Ahmed, N; D’Elbee, M; JOHNSON, C; Hatzold, K; CORBETT, EL; NEUMAN, M; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F;
AIDS care
Increasing knowledge of HIV status and demand for antiretroviral therapy using community-based HIV self-testing in rural communities: a cluster randomised trial in Malawi
INDRAVUDH, P; Fielding, K; NEUMAN, M; Chilongosi, R; Mkandawire, P; Nyondo, E; Nzawa, R; Magombo, L; Chalira, D; Kumwenda, M; Nyirenda, R; Johnson, C; Nkhoma, C; DESMOND, N; Hatzold, K; CORBETT, EL;
Preferences for linkage to HIV care services following a reactive self-test: discrete choice experiments in Malawi and Zambia.
D'ELBÉE, M; INDRAVUDH, PP; Mwenge, L; Kumwenda, MM; Simwinga, M; CHOKO, AT; HENSEN, B; NEUMAN, M; ONG, JJ; Sibanda, EL; JOHNSON, CC; Hatzold, K; Cowan, FM; AYLES, H; CORBETT, EL; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F;
AIDS (London, England)
Effects of women's groups practising participatory learning and action on preventive and care-seeking behaviours to reduce neonatal mortality: A meta-analysis of cluster-randomised trials.
SEWARD, N; NEUMAN, M; Colbourn, T; Osrin, D; Lewycka, S; Azad, K; Costello, A; Das, S; Fottrell, E; Kuddus, A; Manandhar, D; Nair, N; Nambiar, B; Shah More, N; Phiri, T; Tripathy, P; Prost, A;
PLoS medicine
Dietary Diversity Is Positively Associated with Deviation from Expected Height in Rural Nepal.
Busert, LK; NEUMAN, M; Rehfuess, EA; Dulal, S; Harthan, J; Chaube, SS; Bhandari, B; Costello, H; Costello, A; Manandhar, DS; Saville, NM;
The Journal of nutrition
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