
Dr Sheila agyeiwaa Owusu

Research Student - MPhil/PhD - Infectious & Tropical Diseases

United Kingdom


Department of Clinical Research
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases


Research Area
Child health
Tropical medicine
Infectious disease policy
Artificial Intelligence
Global health
Adolescent health
Implementation science
Qualitative research
Disease and Health Conditions
Infectious diseases
Sub-Saharan Africa (all income levels)

Selected Publications

Accuracy of CAD4TB (Computer-Aided Detection for Tuberculosis) on paediatric chest radiographs.
Edem, VF; NKEREUWEM, E; Agbla, SC; OWUSU, SA; Sillah, AK; Saidy, B; Jallow, MB; Forson, AG; Egere, U; KAMPMANN, B; TOGUN, T;
The European respiratory journal
Understanding depression, anxiety and stress in young people living with HIV in Ghana.
Omuojine, J-P; Martyn-Dickens, C; OWUSU, SA; Warling, A; Sackey, RC; Nettey, G; Otieku, E; Enimil, A; Ratner, L;
African journal of AIDS research : AJAR
Impact of race-neutral global reference equations on spirometry interpretation in healthy children in The Gambia.
Nkereuwem, E; Edem, VF; Owolabi, O; Genekah, M; OWUSU, SA; McCollum, ED; Kampmann, B; TOGUN, T;
IJTLD open
Understanding adolescent health care services in Ghana: a scoping review.
OWUSU, SA; Warling, A; Arthur, J; Martyn-Dickens, C; Enimil, A; Bio, R; Osei-Bonsu, A; Ratner, L;
The Pan African medical journal
Development of the paediatric society of the African league against rheumatism (PAFLAR) JIA registry and clinical profile of JIA in Africa from the PAFLAR JIA registry.
Migowa, AN; Hamdi, W; Hashad, S; Etayari, H; Abushhaiwia, A; Ferjani, H; Nessib, DB; Kharrat, L; Fazaa, A; Owino, L; Faleye, A; OWUSU, SA; Mosa, DM; Eissa, M; Nasef, SI; Elsehrawy, GG; Odhiambo, R; Orwa, J; Abu-Zaid, MH;
Pediatric rheumatology online journal
Post-tuberculosis lung disease in children and adolescents: A scoping review of definitions, measuring tools, and research gaps.
NKEREUWEM, E; Ageiwaa Owusu, S; Fabian Edem, V; KAMPMANN, B; TOGUN, T;
Paediatric respiratory reviews
Post-tuberculosis respiratory impairment in Gambian children and adolescents: A cross-sectional analysis.
NKEREUWEM, E; AGBLA, S; Njai, B; Edem, VF; Jatta, ML; Owolabi, O; Masterton, U; Jah, F; Danso, M; Fofana, AN; Samateh, W; Darboe, ML; OWUSU, SA; Bush, A; KAMPMANN, B; TOGUN, T;
Pediatric pulmonology
Talk the talk and walk the walk: a novel training for medical students to promote decoloniality in global health
Ratner, L; Sridhar, S; OWUSU, S; Rosman, SL; Molina, RL; Kasper, J;
Frontiers in Education
PA-700 Investigating the utility and added value of non-sputum-based approaches for diagnosis of tuberculosis in West African children: a study update
OWUSU, SA; Edem, VF; Nkereuwem, E; Owolabi, O; Afrane, AK A; Osman, KA; Anarfi, MN; Fiogbe, AA; Affolabi, D; Agbla, S; Forson, AG; Togun, TO;
Abstracts of Poster and e-Poster Presentations
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