
Mr Jody Phelan

Assistant Professor

United Kingdom


Department of Infection Biology
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases


Antimicrobial Resistance Centre


Help organise and teach on the Infectious Disease 'Omics short course at LSHTM and overseas. Teach on the pathogen genomics masters module.

Selected Publications

Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole genome sequencing provides insights into the Manila strain and drug-resistance mutations in the Philippines.
PHELAN, JE; Lim, DR; Mitarai, S; De Sessions, PF; Tujan, MA A; Reyes, LT; Medado, IA P; Palparan, AG; Naim, AN M; Jie, S; Segubre-Mercado, E; Simoes, B; CAMPINO, S; HAFALLA, JC; Murase, Y; Morishige, Y; HIBBERD, ML; Kato, S; Ama, MC G; CLARK, TG;
Scientific reports
Integrating informatics tools and portable sequencing technology for rapid detection of resistance to anti-tuberculous drugs.
PHELAN, JE; O'Sullivan, DM; Machado, D; Ramos, J; OPPONG, YE A; CAMPINO, S; O'Grady, J; McNerney, R; HIBBERD, ML; Viveiros, M; Huggett, JF; CLARK, TG;
Genome medicine
Genome-wide analysis of multi- and extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
COLL, F; PHELAN, J; Hill-Cawthorne, GA; Nair, MB; Mallard, K; Ali, S; Abdallah, AM; Alghamdi, S; Alsomali, M; Ahmed, AO; Portelli, S; OPPONG, Y; Alves, A; Bessa, TB; CAMPINO, S; Caws, M; Chatterjee, A; CRAMPIN, AC; DHEDA, K; FURNHAM, N; GLYNN, JR; Grandjean, L; Minh Ha, D; Hasan, R; Hasan, Z; ... CLARK, TG.
Nature genetics
The variability and reproducibility of whole genome sequencing technology for detecting resistance to anti-tuberculous drugs.
PHELAN, J; O'Sullivan, DM; Machado, D; Ramos, J; Whale, AS; O'Grady, J; DHEDA, K; CAMPINO, S; McNerney, R; Viveiros, M; Huggett, JF; CLARK, TG;
Genome medicine
Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole genome sequencing and protein structure modelling provides insights into anti-tuberculosis drug resistance.
PHELAN, J; COLL, F; McNerney, R; Ascher, DB; Pires, DE V; FURNHAM, N; Coeck, N; Hill-Cawthorne, GA; Nair, MB; Mallard, K; Ramsay, A; CAMPINO, S; HIBBERD, ML; Pain, A; Rigouts, L; CLARK, TG;
BMC medicine
An open-access dashboard to interrogate the genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates.
PHELAN, J; Van den Heede, K; Masyn, S; Verbeeck, R; Lamprecht, DA; KOUL, A; WALL, RJ;
Scientific reports
Whole genome sequence analysis of population structure and insecticide resistance markers in Anopheles melas from the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau.
MOSS, S; Pretorius, E; Ceesay, S; Da Silva, ET; HUTCHINS, H; NDIATH, MO; Acford-palmer, H; COLLINS, EL; Higgins, M; PHELAN, J; JONES, RT; VASILEVA, H; Rodrigues, A; Krishna, S; CLARK, TG; LAST, A; CAMPINO, S;
Parasites & vectors
Whole genome analysis of Plasmodium malariae identifies reduced susceptibility to pyrimethamine, validated using ortholog replacement in P. knowlesi
IBRAHIM, A; Mohring, F; Manko, E; Schalkwyk, DV; PHELAN, J; Nolder, D; Borrmann, S; Adegnika, A; Santi, SD; Alam, MS; Mondal, D; Nosten, F; SUTHERLAND, C; MOON, R; CLARK, T; CAMPINO, S;
Research Square
Comparisons of genome assembly tools for characterization of <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> genomes using hybrid sequencing technologies.
Trisakul, K; Hinwan, Y; Eisiri, J; Salao, K; Chaiprasert, A; Kamolwat, P; Tongsima, S; CAMPINO, S; PHELAN, J; CLARK, TG; Faksri, K;
ResMAP-a saturation mutagenesis platform enabling parallel profiling of target-specific resistance-conferring mutations in &lt;i&gt;Plasmodium&lt;/i&gt;.
WALL, RJ; MacGowan, SA; Hallyburton, I; Syed, AJ; Ajay Castro, S; Dey, G; Milne, R; Patterson, S; PHELAN, J; Wiedemar, N; Wyllie, S;
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