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Mr Sujit D Rathod

Programme Content Director

United Kingdom

I am an epidemiologist with interest in socially vulnerable populations and neglected conditions.

I am also the Programme Content Director for the MSc programme in epidemiology (intensive and distance learning) with an aim to modernise and harmonize the teaching programmes.

I completed my PhD at the University of California, Berkeley, on the epidemiologic features of vaginal infections among reproductive-age women in South India. Prior to that, I completed my MSc in Control of Infectious Disease at LSHTM, and my dissertation was about the elimination of guinea worm in Nigeria.


Department of Population Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


Programme Director (interim), intensive MSc Epidemiology (2023)
Content Director, distance and intensive MSc Epidemiology (2019-)

Module organiser, Introductory Course in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics (ICEMS) at MRC Gambia (2019-)
Module organiser, EPM101 Fundamentals of Epidemiology (2019-2023)
Module organiser, Basic Epidemiology (2013-2019)

Lecturing and tutoring on Basic Epidemiology, EPM101, Statistics for Epidemiology and Populatoin Health, ICEMS London, ICEMS MRC Gambia, and others.

Personal tutorial for students in MSc Epidemiology and MSc Global Mental Health.

PhD supervision for Tessa Roberts, Jihana Mottley, and Julian Eaton.

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Homeless Health Peer Advocacy (HHPA, PI Lucy Platt), a mixed methods evaluation of whether and how peer advocates affect use of hospital-based health are for people who are homeless in London. I developed and manage the quantitative evaluation component, a cohort study of 300 people, which included a questionnaire administered to participants, and linkage and analysis of their NHS electronic health records.

Drugs and (Dis)Order (PIs Bayard Roberts and Lucy Platt). I worked with the Asia Harm Reduction Network to compile their routine clinical service data and conducted an analysis of HIV seroconversion among people who use drugs.

Safe Inhalation Pipe Provision (SIPP, PI Magdalena Harris), a mixed methods evaluation of purpose-made pipe provision to people in 4 cities in England, and whether this provision affects pipe sharing and use of drug treatment services. I helped develop the quantitative evaluation, a before-and-after survey of people who use crack and access drug treatment services.

Programme for Improving Mental Health Care (PRIME, PI Vikram Patel), which integrated mental health care into the primary care sector in 5 low- and middle-income country districts (Ethiopia, India, Nepal, South Africa and Uganda) and evaluated its effects. I informed and coordinated the development of quantitative evaluation methods, worked with country partners to collect data, and led and supported analyses.

Community Health Survey (PI Benjamin Chi at the University of North Carolina in Zambia), a multi-round population-based cross-sectional survey which aimed to estimate the change in all-cause mortality associated with scale-up of antiretroviral therapy in Lusaka, Zambia. I joined this project towards the end of data collection, completed the primary analysis, and supported other secondary analyses.

Prerana Women's Health Initiative (PI Purnima Madhivanan, University of Arizona), a cohort study which followed up women in Mysore, India, and aimed to characterise the epidemiologic features of reproductive tract infections. I used data from this project for my PhD, which was about about the subset of RTIs known as vaginal infections (i.e. vulvovaginal candidiasis, trichomonas vaginalis, and bacterial vaginosis).

Samata Health Project (PI Suneeta Krishnan, BMGF-India), a cohort study which followed up women in two low-income areas of Bangalore, India, and aimed to identify risk factors for HIV infection. I managed the data team, and contributed to analyses.
Research Area
Applied statistics (medical)
Global mental health
Disease and Health Conditions
Mental health
Sexually transmitted infections
Drug addiction
Alcohol addiction
South Africa
United Kingdom
South Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa (all income levels)

Selected Publications

Peer advocacy and access to healthcare for people who are homeless in London, UK: a mixed method impact, economic and process evaluation protocol.
RATHOD, SD; Guise, A; Annand, PJ; HOSSEINI, P; WILLIAMSON, E; MINERS, A; Bowgett, K; Burrows, M; Aldridge, RW; Luchenski, S; Menezes, D; Story, A; Hayward, A; PLATT, L;
BMJ open
Detection and treatment initiation for depression and alcohol use disorders: facility-based cross-sectional studies in five low-income and middle-income country districts.
RATHOD, SD; Roberts, T; Medhin, G; Murhar, V; Samudre, S; Luitel, NP; Selohilwe, O; Ssebunnya, J; Jordans, MJ D; Bhana, A; Petersen, I; Kigozi, F; Nakku, J; Lund, C; Fekadu, A; Shidhaye, R;
BMJ open
Glycated haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) for detection of diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in Malawi: a diagnostic accuracy study.
RATHOD, SD; CRAMPIN, AC; Musicha, C; Kayuni, N; Banda, L; SAUL, J; MCLEAN, E; BRANSON, K; Jaffar, S; NYIRENDA, MJ;
BMJ open
Treatment Contact Coverage for Probable Depressive and Probable Alcohol Use Disorders in Four Low- and Middle-Income Country Districts: The PRIME Cross-Sectional Community Surveys.
RATHOD, SD; De Silva, MJ; Ssebunnya, J; Breuer, E; Murhar, V; Luitel, NP; Medhin, G; Kigozi, F; Shidhaye, R; Fekadu, A; Jordans, M; PATEL, V; Tomlinson, M; Lund, C;
PloS one
Data-Driven Cutoff Selection for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Depression Screening Tool.
Levis, B; Bhandari, PM; Neupane, D; Fan, S; Sun, Y; He, C; Wu, Y; Krishnan, A; Negeri, Z; Imran, M; Rice, DB; Riehm, KE; Azar, M; Levis, AW; Boruff, J; Cuijpers, P; Gilbody, S; Ioannidis, JP A; Kloda, LA; Patten, SB; Ziegelstein, RC; Harel, D; Takwoingi, Y; Markham, S; Alamri, SH; ... Depression Screening Data (DEPRESSD) PHQ Group,
JAMA network open
Comparison of Patient Health Questionnaire-9, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Hospital Anxiety and Depression - Depression subscale scores by administration mode: An individual participant data differential item functioning meta-analysis.
Harel, D; Wu, Y; Levis, B; Fan, S; Sun, Y; Xu, M; Rice, DB; Boruff, J; Markham, S; Ioannidis, JP A; Takwoingi, Y; Patten, SB; Ziegelstein, RC; Cuijpers, P; Gilbody, S; Vigod, S; Akena, D; Benedetti, A; Thombs, BD; DEPRESsion Screening Data (DEPRESSD) Collaboration,;
Journal of affective disorders
Parental resilience in Trinidad & Tobago during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
Mottley, J; DEVRIES, K; Hart, K; RATHOD, SD; BULLER, AM;
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health
A qualitative exploration of parenting under adversity: “Surprisingly, it worked -using firecrackers to get her accustomed to the sound”
Caribbean Public Health Agency’s 67th Annual Conference
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