29th Bradford Hill Memorial Lecture
Real-time analysis of COVID-19: epidemiology, statistics and modelling in action

UPDATE: Due to the technical issues experienced on 3rd June, please note that this session has now been rescheduled. If you have previously registered to attend this webinar via this Eventbrite page, you should have been contacted by the LSHTM Events team via email on 17th June about the new webinar details. If you are a registered attendee but have not received this email, please get in touch with the event organiser at events@lshtm.ac.uk.
Also please note that this session is only available live and will not be recorded.
If you were unable to join the rescheduled session on 30th June, feel free to view:
Event's report from the Royal Statistical Society
Join Prof Christl Donnelly for this year’s Bradford Hill Memorial Lecture where she will explore the real-time analysis of COVID-19 using epidemiology, statistics and modelling.
About the speaker
Christl A. Donnelly is Deputy Head of Department for the Department of Statistics at University of Oxford and Deputy Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Modelling at Imperial College London.
Christl obtained her undergraduate degree in mathematics from Oberlin College, Ohio and then studied biostatistics at Harvard. She is currently based at Imperial College London in the School of Public Health and University of Oxford in the Department of Statistics. For the past 25 years she has worked on the statistical epidemiology of infectious diseases, with a focus on real-time epidemic analysis to improve situational awareness and inform response.
Christl has been involved in many intensive efforts to understand and control infectious disease threats include those relating to BSE/vCJD, FMD, SARS, pandemic H1N1 influenza, MERS, Ebola (in West Africa and DRC), Zika and now COVID-19. Through the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, the WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Modelling and the NIHR HPRU in Modelling Methodology, she has experienced numerous collaboration with colleagues in WHO, government departments and Public Health England on a variety of public and animal health threats.