
Community through Crisis: COVID-19 and Healthcare Education

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare sector has faced a number of challenges beyond the obvious threat to public health. Health professionals have been forced to consider issues such as “how do we counteract the spread of misinformation?”, “how do we retrain those having to urgently return to the profession?”, and “how do we support those faced with low resources?”.

This session will explore this response, and is particularly aimed at those working in healthcare, whether you're on the frontline or behind the scenes. Four of the teams involved in building rapid response courses will share their experiences of working quickly and collaboratively to build community through crisis.


  • Mary Ibeto, Project Co-ordinator at LSHTM
  • Graham Nimmo, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Clinical Education at the University of Edinburgh
  • Jack Jon, Learning technology team manager at the University of Edinburgh
  • Dr Mohammad Razai, academic clinical fellow in primary care at St George's, University of London
  • Karishma Saran, Strategic Communications Officer, FIND

This session is part of FutureLearn's Festival of Learning, a week long celebration of learning where we seek to uncover how education, healthcare and business will evolve in a post-COVID world, explore how we can all collaborate to achieve great things in the wake of upheaval, and find out why learning together is now more important than ever.

Partnering with LSHTM and UK Public Health Rapid Support Team, FutureLearn is currently running a free online course on COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus via their platform.

Please note this event requires registration through hopin. LSHTM is not in control or responsible for the use of your data through this platform and the data is held by FutureLearn. View their policy.

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Free but registration required