Curable STIs/RTIs among pregnant women at ANC booking in Tanzania, Kenya, and Malawi: Prevalence, risk factors, and development and validation of a Risk Score

Curable sexually transmitted and reproductive tract infections (STIs/RTIs) - syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis (BV) - are important causes of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Universal screening of pregnant women for syphilis at antenatal care (ANC) booking is recommended. Syndromic case management is used in low-resource areas to diagnose and treat gonorrhoea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and BV. However, because curable STIs/RTIs are often asymptomatic among women, syndromic-based algorithms fail to identify the majority of infections.
In this talk, the speaker will present STI/RTI data collected during a multi-country malaria in pregnancy trial, summarising prevalence and risk factors for curable STIs/RTIs, as well as STI/RTI co-infection, and malaria and STI/RTI co-infection, at ANC booking and give an overview of efforts to develop and validate a risk score with which to identify women most likely to have a curable STI/RTI.
Georgia Gore-Langton
Georgia Gore-Langton is a recipient of an MRC London Intercollegiate Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship. Her PhD is focused on the epidemiology of malaria and curable STIs/RTIs in pregnancy.