Global surveillance of cancer survival: the CONCORD programme
Dr Claudia Allemani, Dr Chris James and Dr Michel Coleman will deliver this talk entitled 'Global surveillance of cancer survival: the CONCORD programme'.
The CONCORD programme will launch the latest and most up-to-date article in the series, CONCORD-3, to be published online in The Lancet at 2330h UTC on 30 January.
The CONCORD programme established long-term world-wide surveillance of cancer survival for the first time in 2015, publishing survival trends over the 15 years 1995-2009 with data for more than 25 million patients diagnosed with one of 10 common cancers that represented 63% of the global cancer burden. The US Centers for Disease Control described CONCORD-2 as the start of global surveillance of cancer survival, with survival estimates "that can be compared, so scientists can begin to determine why survival differs among countries. This could lead to improvements in cancer control programs."
CONCORD-3 now updates the global surveillance of cancer survival to include more than 37 million patients who were diagnosed during 2000-2014 with one of 18 cancers that collectively represent 75% of the global cancer burden. The study includes data from 322 cancer registries in 71 countries and territories. It covers a population of almost one billion people.
In 2017, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development included survival estimates from the CONCORD programme for 48 countries in its biennial publication Health at a Glance. This provides formal recognition by an international agency of the global coverage, methodological rigour and international comparability of the CONCORD survival estimates, which will now become crucial for the evaluation of health systems performance in all OECD Member States.
CONCORD has now become the de facto standard for international cancer survival comparisons.
The meeting will be followed by a reception in the South Courtyard. We look forward to seeing you at the launch!