Global TB control – progress, challenges and a path for the Pacific

This presentation will explore challenges and pathways for global TB control, focusing on genomic insights into TB evolution, lessons learned from drug-resistant Mtb transmission and an evaluation of the merits and utility of active case finding. We then describe a population-wide active case finding study in the Pacific (the PEARL study), seeking to apply some highlighted TB control strategies with preliminary findings.
Ben Marais
Ben is Acting-Director of the Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute (Sydney ID) and WHO Collaborating Centre in Tuberculosis at the University of Sydney. He is a Paediatric Infectious Diseases specialist at The Children's Hospital Westmead and leads a population-wide tuberculosis and leprosy systematic test&treat implementation study in the Pacific Island Nation of Kiribati (the PEARL study).
Mikaela Coleman
Mikaela is a post-doctoral fellow and PEARL study coordinator, She has a PhD in TB immunology and degrees in Public Health & Law.