Immunisation and adolescents – the HPV vaccine
This World Immunisation Week, join us for a series of webinars hosted by LSHTM Vaccine Centre between Friday 24 April to Friday 1 May 2020.

HPV is linked to 90% of cervical cancers and 5% of all cancers worldwide. HPV vaccines protect against infection with human papillomaviruses (HPV). The HPV vaccine is provided free of charge by the NHS for boys and girls aged 12-13 in the UK with a second dose 12 months later. People who miss their vaccination offered in Year 8 at school can get the HPV vaccine for free on the NHS up until their 25th birthday. In England there is also an HPV vaccine for men who have sex with men (MSM) up to 45 years of age.
Over the last decade and half over 80 countries have introduced national HPV vaccination programs - the majority of these countries are high or upper-middle income countries but GAVI is now also supporting the introduction in LMIC.
The speakers in this session will illustrate where we are at this point with the HPV vaccine programs nationally and globally and what impact we can already see.
Our student survey will tell us when and how young people might have received information with regards to the vaccine which is currently given in adolescence and mainly at school. At the end we will have a discussion about attitudes towards the vaccine and how we should deal with potential shortages, as have recently arisen.
- Professor Beate Kampmann: Professor of Paediatric Infection and Immunity, Director of the Vaccine Centre, LSHTM & MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM Theme Leader
Professor Beate Kampmann joined the LSHTM from Imperial College London in May 2018 and is the Director of The Vaccine Centre @ LSHTM. She trained as a clinician-scientist in Paediatric Infectious Diseases in Germany, UK, France, USA and South Africa. Beate holds a Chair in Paediatric Infection & Immunity and was appointed as the Scientific Director (Theme Leader) for Vaccinology research at the MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM in July 2010. She directs a comprehensive childhood infection research program both in the UK and sub-saharan Africa.
As one of the three theme leaders at the MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM, she oversees all research activities in infant immunology, childhood tuberculosis and molecular diagnostics, which range from basic research into innate and acquired immune responses to infection and vaccination in pregnant women and infants and the conduct of clinical trials of novel vaccines, adjuvants adn administration modalities.
Over the last few years she has conducted a number of studies in both UK and West Africa investigating the scientific and implementation challenges of maternal immunization.
She is the director of IMPRINT- the IMmunising PRegnant women and INfants network, one of the 5 MRC-funded networks for vaccines (
- Dr Helen Kelly: Honorary Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, LSHTM and epidemiologist at the Catalan Institute of Oncology, Spain
Dr Kelly's research is focussed on understanding the epidemiology of HPV infection and associated ano-genital disease among people living with HIV. This research aims to contribute to an understanding of appropriate interventions to control and prevent HPV related disease among people living with HIV, including the role of antiretroviral therapy on HPV infection and precursor lesions, and evaluation of current and novel screening methods for early detection of high-grade lesions. Helen is currently based at the Catalan Institute of Oncology in Barcelona evaluating novel screening methods for HPV related ano-genital lesions, primarily among people living with HIV. She is also involved in research aiming to summarise evidence on immunogenicity and efficacy against HPV infection and clinical outcomes of different HPV vaccine schedules.
- Rachel Ford: Vaccine Centre student group
Rachel is a member of the Vaccine Centre’s student group and is passionate about vaccines and preventable diseases. She has a professional background in nursing across a variety of disciplines including accident and emergency, intensive care and community health. Rachel holds a Diploma in Tropical Nursing from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and has previously volunteered for several health organisations in Cambodia and Vietnam. Rachel hopes to commence her Public Health Masters this year.
- Doris Ngela'ah: STIRIG student group, current MSc student, LSHTM
Doris is a representative of the STIRIG student group. She is an MSc student studying Reproductive and Sexual Health Research at LSHTM. Doris holds a BSc in Microbiology and has over 8 years of work experience in the clinical and pathology labs of the Cameroon Baptist and the co-founder and Vice-president of the NGO Global Fellow Women (GLOFEW) Cameroon. She is passionate about women empowerment, improvement of the lives of rural women and children. Also, in sexual health, STIs, reproductive cancers, health policies and, strategies.
#VaccinesWork for All
Full programme on LSHTM's World Immunisation Week 2020