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Integrating Primary Care and Public Health

Session five of the PHC interest group’s ten-part seminar series “Primary Health Care: The heart of every health system” that is running once a month throughout the 2022/23 academic year. 

Padlock shaped graphic with words commonly associated with primary health care, this includes universal health coverage, financing, workforce, quality, integration, multidisciplinary, regulation

The seminar series provides an overview of the key functions and features of PHC; its potential in achieving universal health coverage and its role in global health. Seminars are led by speakers working in a range of settings. 

Learn more about the rest of the events in this series.

In this session we will examine “integrated care” and approaches different countries have taken to better coordinate and integrate care across traditional boundaries of care provision, in particular between Primary Care and Public Health. We will also consider why greater integration has proven such a challenge to implement. 

For those that wish to take part, the session will be followed by a 'world cafe' to continue the conversation in breakout rooms with other participants online. The ‘world cafe’ will start five minutes after the seminar has ended (approximately 13:50) and will run until 14:30. The link to participate will be shared during the seminar. 


Luke Allen, LSHTM

Luke Allen is a GP and a global health policy researcher who has worked on PHC at the WHO and World Bank. 

Ellen Nolte, LSHTM

Ellen Nolte has a particular interest in innovative service models that seek to better meet the needs of people with complex and long-term health problems, with a focus on care coordination and integration. Ellen will provide a brief overview of key issues around care integration within PHC. 

Bert Vrijhoef, Panaxea, Amsterdam

Bert Vrijhoef (Panaxea, Amsterdam) research focuses on innovations in health services for long-term conditions as part of care-coordination strategies. Bert will discuss approaches taken by the Netherlands to integrate primary care and broader public health services. 

Jemima Kamano, MOI University, Kenya 

Jemima Kamano  is a physician endocrinologist, Senior Lecturer at Moi University school of medicine and a researcher with a special interest in improving access to quality care for people living with NCDs, especially those in poor resource settings. She was the first programme manager for the chronic disease management programme for AMPATH in Kenya. Jemima will discuss approaches taken in Western Kenya to integrate NCD care into an existing HIV platform, with a focus on integrating primary care involving community screening for and management of hypertension and diabetes. 


This session will be chaired by Luisa Pettigrew, LSHTM and Josephine Exley, LSHTM.  

Please note that this session is online.



Free and open to all, follow the webinar link. No registration required. A recording of this session will be available after the event on this page.


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