Practical issues in trials: Participant recruitment and follow-up

This seminar is the fifth in a series of six seminars organised by the LSHTM Trials Network. The overall focus is on practical issues pertaining to clinical trials. Each seminar will present the state of current practice/theory/evidence-based approaches followed by concrete worked examples from different presenters.
The fifth seminar in our series on Practical Issues in Trials on 3 December 2024 will focus on Participant Recruitment and Follow-up in Trials.
At the end of the seminar, the presenters will stay on for 30-minutes for anyone who wishes to participate in a more in-depth, interactive discussion. A separate link for this will be provided during the webinar.
Other upcoming seminars in the series:
• January 2025: Running a trial- Part 3: Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) options.
• March 2025: Closing down a trial and dissemination: Publication, including PPIE in dissemination, media.
Richard Evans, Senior Manager of the CTU, LSHTM will present on Strategies to improve recruitment of patients in UK cardiovascular clinical trials.
He will be joined by Matt Kwok and Zahra Jamal who are both Trial managers at the CTU, LSHTM.
Edgard Dabira, Clinical epidemiologist & Clinical Trial Coordinator - SERVAL Trial, MRCG at LSHTM will present on 'Community engagement for success: recruitment and retention strategies in R21 Malaria Vaccine Mass Vaccination Campaigns'. His presentation will focus on strategies for participant recruitment and retention to achieve high coverage in mass vaccination campaign with the R21 malaria vaccine.
Watch a recording of the seminar.