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Primary health care and AI 3.0

A panel discussion on the potential uses of AI in primary health care, with a focus on lower and middle income country settings.

The letters AI filled with primary health care related terms

This session builds on our previous seminars on Primary Health Care and AI which took place on 13 November 2024 and 28 January 2025. During this seminar we will explore in greater depth specific use cases where AI might add value for primary health care. We will discuss what AI tools are likely to emerge in the next few years, in particular in low- and middle-income settings, their potential benefits, risks and what global governance structures for the application of AI in primary health care may be needed.

Learn more about, and watch back, previous sessions run by LSHTM’s primary health care group on our website.


Jessica Morley

Dr Jessica Morley is a postdoctoral research associate at the Digital Ethics Center, Yale University. She as a BA, MSc, and PhD from the University of Oxford and prior to working at Yale she was the director of policy research at the Oxford Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science.

Her research focuses on how to ensure the secondary use of health data is technically feasible, socially acceptable, ethically justifiable, and legally compliant.

Sanjay Kinra

Dr Sanjay Kinra is a Clinical Epidemiologist. His primary research interest is in Applied Artificial Intelligence in Global Health. He is passionate about developing low-cost solutions to improve healthcare (mainly primary healthcare and care of non-communicable diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease) in low-resource settings. He tries to do this by using digital technologies and AI to empower primary healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, community workers, even lay people) with decision support tools and diagnostics so they can deliver more advanced/specialist care at lower cost. He is also very interested in behaviour science and traditional therapies (such as yoga and Ayurveda). He conducts his research mainly in India and South/SouthEast Asia region.  He teaches and supervises PhD students in the same areas. 

Event notices

  • Please note this event is virtual only.
  • Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available.


Free and open to all. No registration required.

