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Panel Discussion

Role of Health Professionals in Patient Advocacy


In this event the speakers will explore what advocacy means for them and the ethical and legal challenges faced by health professionals.

This event will explore the role and responsibility of health professionals to advocate for their patients from a local and the wider global humanitarian context. 


Dr Carolyn Kavita Tauro: Manson Unit (MSF UK).

Carolyn is a medical doctor and Health Information Systems Medical Content Advisor at the Manson Unit, Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders UK. Since 2010, her experience with MSF spans from clinical doctor to medical coordinator, managing projects on maternal and child care, TB, HIV, mental health and sexual gender based violence. Both roles involved advocacy promotion through project activities, research and close contact with patient needs. 

Dr Jenny Vaughan: Imperial College London, Learn Not Blame, Doctors Association UK
Jenny is a Consultant Neurologist at Imperial College London, Law and Policy Lead for The Doctors' Association UK and Learn Not Blame. She is a leading campaigner for reforming the law on gross negligence manslaughter when applied to healthcare professionals. 

Emmanouil Athanasiou: International Human Rights Expert (MSF)
Emmanouil is an International Human Rights Expert with a legal background. He is also a Policy Advisor and Advocacy Coordinator for Médecins Sans Frontières, with recent missions to Central African Republic and South Sudan. 

Dr Sonia Adesara: Young Medical Women International Association, Doctors for Choice, Keep Our NHS Public.
Sonia is an NHS doctor, co-chair of Young Medical Women International Association, part of the UK team for Doctors for Choice, led the Keep Our NHS Public campaign and a member of the 50:50 Parliament Campaign. 

Dr Rita Issa: LSHTM, Academic GP Fellow, Doctors XR.
Rita is a GP Academic Clinical Fellow working in the fields of climate change and migration. Rita is co-founder of Doctors for Extinction Rebellion and advocates for access to healthcare for migrants and refugees in the UK at her GP practice in East London, and through Doctors of the World UK, Docs Not Cops, and Medical Justice. Rita is also currently undertaking the part-time Master's in Public Health at LSHTM.

Dr Aula Abbara: Imperial College London, Syrian Public Health Network, Health Professionals for Global Health
Aula is an Infectious Disease Consultant at Imperial College London, Co-Chair of Syrian Public Health Network and Chair of Health Professionals for Global Health. Her advocacy contributions span from access to healthcare in the NHS for migrants, to conflict-affected populations focussing on antimicrobial resistance, attacks on healthcare, health workforce migration and refugee health.


This session will be live-streamed and recorded - accessible to both internal and accessible audience

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Open to all, seats available on first come, first served basis.

