Symposium to Celebrate 50 Years of the MSc Medical Statistics

Statistics as Alchemy: Turning data into goldCelebrating 50 years of the Masters in Medical Statistics |
2019 is the 50th anniversary of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine MSc Medical Statistics: the first students graduated in 1969 when Peter Armitage was Professor of Medical Statistics.
To celebrate, we warmly invite you to a 2-day symposium on 11-12 April.
We are delighted by the line-up of stimulating speakers, ranging across causal inference, electronic health records, innovative trial designs and estimands. Peter Armitage has recorded a welcome message to start the meeting. The symposium includes the Bradford Hill Memorial Lecture which will be given by Michael Hughes (Harvard University) on 11 April. Other speakers confirmed so far include: Shadrac Agbla, Deborah Ashby, Nicky Best, James Carpenter, Nick Jewell, Ruth Keogh, Alan Phillips, Stuart Pocock, Linda Sharples, Liam Smeeth, Jonathan Sterne, Jenny Thompson, Stijn Vansteelandt.
Equally importantly, it’s a great opportunity to catch up with friends and make new ones – not least at our 50th party on the evening of 11th April!
Spread the word and see you there!
Ticket Prices
£100 General admission tickets
£50 Students. Students will need to have a valid student ID on arrival.
£50 LMIC. LMIC is defined by the DAC list and applicable to attendees who were born and reside permanently in LDC, LIC, or LMIC countries.
Event organisers reserve the right to obtain proof of identification and the right to charge the full registration fee.
Programme |
Thursday 11th April 2019 |
10.00-10.45 |
Registration & Coffee |
10.45-11.00 |
Welcome: Chris Frost (including Peter Armitage video) |
11.00-12.30 |
Session 1: Clinical Trials |
Linda Sharples: Pragmatic trials: the missing link between experiment and routine practice Deborah Ashby: Better benefit-risk decision-making in medicines regulation Stuart Pocock: Current controversies in Clinical Trials |
12.30-13.30 |
Lunch |
13.30-15.00 |
Session 2: Epidemiology |
Liam Smeeth: Getting the best out of computerised health data Nick Jewell: Epidemiology of the Natural History of Diseases: Challenges, Causality, and Multi-State Models Stijn Vansteelandt: Investigating the cardiovascular benefit of Liraglutide: a time-to-event mediation analysis |
15.00-15.30 |
Tea/Coffee |
15.30-16.45 |
Session 3: Estimands |
Alan Philips: Estimands: some reflections on the impact of the Addendum to ICH E9 Nicky Best: Some practical examples of estimand strategies when death is an intercurrent event James Carpenter: An information anchored approach via multiple imputation |
17.00-18.30 |
Michael Hughes: Countering the HIV epidemic: statistical issues in treatment evaluation and policy |
18.30-22.00 |
Bradford Hill Reception & Conference Party |
Friday 12th April 2019 |
09.30-11.00 |
Session 4: Hot Topics 1 |
Jenny Thompson: Recent developments in the analysis of stepped wedge trials Schadrac Agbla: Estimation of local average causal effect in cluster randomised trials Tim Collier: Heart Omics and ageing |
11.00-11.30 |
Tea/Coffee |
11.30-12.30 |
Session 5: Hot Topics 2 |
Jonathan Sterne: Assessing risk of bias in randomized trials and non-randomized studies Ruth Keogh: Creating a ‘trial’ within a longitudinal cohort: some statistical insights and an application in cystic fibrosis |
12.30-13.15 |
Panel Discussion |
State of the Profession: A Vision for the Future Sheila Bird, John Matthews, Deborah Ashby, Michael Hughes |
13.15 |
Concluding remarks |
Stuart Pocock |