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Using Evidence in Humanitarian Decision-Making

Sheree Bennett
Sheree Bennett (The International Rescue Committee)

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) has made a commitment for 100 percent of its interventions to become evidence-based or evidence-generating in all its programming by 2020. To achieve this, IRC undertook an extensive program of evidence mapping to develop the Outcomes to Evidence Framework (OEF), a tool that clearly defines the outcomes IRC aims to achieve and corresponding pathways or theories of change and synthesizes the evidence for what works to achieve these targeted outcomes. This talk will focus on the OEF and other efforts to increase the use of evidence, the challenges and successes experienced to date and lessons for other agencies wishing to adopt a more evidence-based approach.               

Sheree Bennett is a Senior Research and Evidence Advisor at The International Rescue Committee (IRC) where she leads the organization’s global strategy to increase the use of evidence strategic and programmatic decision-making. She supports technical and country program teams across the organization to identify, critically appraise and apply evidence in actionable and contextually appropriate ways. This includes making technical shifts or adapting country-level program portfolios based on best available evidence, cost data and contextual considerations. She also supports the development of IRC’s growing research agenda in Europe where she develops academic partnerships and manages research and evaluation of IRC programs in governance, peace-building, economic development, social and political integration.


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