Using health economics in humanitarian and fragile settings: Findings from research in Uganda, Sierra Leone and Bangladesh

This event is part of a series of dissemination webinars for the RECAP project, in partnership with the LSHTM Health in Humanitarian Crisis Centre. The webinar will be chaired by Sandra Mounier-Jack, Munshi Sulaiman and Josephine Borghi and will be split into two sessions:
- Session 1: Access to and utilisation of health care services in fragile settings
Has Ebola delayed progress on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent healthcare in Sierra Leone? Evidence from a difference-in-differences study using household surveys – Jessica King, LSHTM
“They will say you want to make their home die”: A mixed methods study to assess modern family planning use in partnered South Sudanese refugee and host populations in Northern Uganda – Neha Singh, LSHTM
- Session 2: Food aid and nutrition in fragile contexts
Preferences and Determinants of Choice for Cash and Food Assistance in Two Refugee Settlements in Uganda: Implications for Policy – Pallavi Prabhakar, BRAC International
Challenges and evidence of health economic evaluation of nutritional interventions in Rohingya refugee camps – Zia Sadique, LSHTM
- Sandra Mounier-Jack, Associate Professor in Health Policy, LSHTM
- Munshi Sulaiman, Regional Research Lead in Africa, BRAC International
- Josephine Borghi, Professor in Health Economics, LSHTM
- Jessica King, Research Fellow in Health Economics/Impact Evaluation, LSHTM
- Neha Singh, Associate Professor of Health Systems and Policy, LSHTM
- Pallavi Prabhakar, Senior Research Associate, BRAC International
- Zia Sadique, Associate Professor in Health Economics, LSHTM
Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available