This seminar will look at Vaccination Coverage Quality Indicators (VCQI) as a flexible resource for standardised coverage survey analyses, and discuss a case study providing insights on missed opportunities for simultaneous vaccination.
Household surveys are a vital source of data on childhood vaccination in low- and middle-income countries. To evaluate the effectiveness of government vaccination programs, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a set of outcome indicators that may be calculated from survey data.
This talk describes a collection of Stata programs – called Vaccination Coverage Quality Indicators (VCQI) – developed at Biostat Global Consulting. These are made freely available by the WHO allowing survey analysts to calculate those indicators in a consistent and transparent manner from surveys that can vary in many specific details.
As a specific case study, the speaker will describe recent insights from VCQI concerning a pattern of missed opportunities to administer inactive polio vaccine (IPV). The seminar will cover questions including:
- How was the pattern detected?
- Is it a local aberration or a widespread issue?
- What is the prevalence of missed doses?
- When the doses are indeed missed, how many are only short-term delays and how many of those children do not come back to the clinic and therefore do not receive the dose later?
Dale A. Rhoda, Founder, Biostat Global Consulting, Worthington, Ohio, USA
Dale Rhoda is an applied statistician and the founder of Biostat Global Consulting in Ohio, USA. He studied maths and physics in the 1980s as an undergraduate and his post-graduate credentials are in public policy, industrial and systems engineering, applied statistics, public health with a focus on biostatistics and epidemiology, and interdisciplinary survey research, obtained at Duke University and Ohio State University. His public health work today focuses on design and analysis of household surveys in low- and middle-income countries. His clients include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the American and International Red Cross. Dale designed and implemented the WHO’s Vaccination Coverage Quality Indicators (VCQI) software. He leads its curation and development, and he is happy when others learn to use it.