Vaccine Mandates Around the World: Do They Increase Vaccination Rates and at What Cost?
Vaccine Centre Annual Lecture

In recent years, several jurisdictions globally have introduced or tightened mandatory vaccination policies for childhood vaccines but what impact do these policy changes have? Presentations during this annual lecture will consider evidence from several jurisdictions about mandates’ impact on vaccination rates, and will also explore confounding factors and implementation problems. The event will finish with an interactive panel discussion and an audience led Q+A. We will explore how we might better consider mandates’ efficacy and will ask questions such as: Have governments understood who was unvaccinated in their population and for what reasons? What evaluation did they commit to conducting, and have they conducted it? What has happened with medical exemptions? Do governments know whether more refusers are vaccinating? Are governments monitoring attitudes or just uptake? What stories do governments tell about impact, and how should we make sense of these stories?
Join us for a reception after the event in the South Courtyard.
Katie Attwell, Associate Professor, University of Western Australia
Aniqa Marshall, LSHTM PhD Candidate
Helen Bedford, Professor of Children's Health, University College London
James Wilson, Professor of Philosophy, University College London
Vanessa Saliba, Consultant Epidemiologist, UKHSA