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LSHTM TB Centre Retreat hosted at MRCG at LSHTM

The LSHTM TB Centre held its annual retreat on Monday 20 February 2023, with the theme “From field to lab – integrated TB research from The Gambia." In a first of its kind, the retreat was led and hosted at the MRCG at LSHTM.
4 pictures of groups of people sitting at tables in lecture rooms, looking at zoom screens and/or people holding microphones talking

Image: LSHTM TB Centre. Clockwise from top left: Unit Director of MRCG at LSHTM, Prof Umberto D’Alessandro; participants at the MRCG at LSHTM, The Gambia; participants at the UVRI/LSHTM-MRC Uganda Unit; participants at LSHTM, Tavistock Place, London.

This landmark LSHTM TB Centre event recorded a large turnout in which tuberculosis researchers at MRCG at LSHTM and staff members from the field, clinic and laboratory teams were gathered in the Unit's new Molecular Biology Building. In addition, in-person satellite meeting hubs at LSHTM's Tavistock Place and MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit were remotely connected, allowing members in London and Uganda to simultaneously participate fully. TB Centre members at other LSHTM overseas sites also joined remotely.

While delivering the opening address, Unit Director Professor Umberto D’Alessandro showcased the MRCG's world-class facilities for field epidemiology, clinical and laboratory research, including the well-equipped genomic facilities. This was followed by sessions showcasing the depth and breadth of TB research at MRCG. This included ‘Clinical and epidemiological research on TB in The Gambia and within the West Africa collaborative partnerships,’ ‘Immunology and genomic TB research’, and ‘Social sciences, stigma, social protection and health economics’, as well as a photovoice by a Gambian TB survivor and advocate – Mr. Ebrima Cham.

Co-Directors of the LSHTM TB Centre, Dr Toyin Togun and Dr Finn McQuaid, remarked that: “The TB Centre retreat this year has set a standard and provided a benchmark for promoting stronger integration, diversity and inclusivity within the broader institutional framework of the LSHTM. The retreat provided an opportunity to further showcase the MRCG as well as the excellent TB research work taking place there. This has created a wonderful networking opportunity for the TB field in Africa and LSHTM, and we believe it will encourage collaborations that will broaden the geographical footprint of our TB research.”

Prof D'Alessandro further noted: “The TB Centre retreat was very successful, with high participation of our staff, despite the day was a public holiday. This clearly shows the commitment and the interest in TB research of our staff. We are very pleased to have been able to host this event that I am sure will further strengthen collaboration between London, Uganda and The Gambia. TB continues to be an important area of research within the Unit’s research portfolio.

The LSHTM TB Centre is one of the largest networks of TB researchers and experts in the world, harnessing their multidisciplinary expertise to end TB globally. The members of the TB Centre have research projects in more than 45 countries around the world, and are also serving on several high-level policy-making and advisory bodies.

Other open TB Centre events taking place soon include the Stephen Lawn Memorial Lecture 2023 on 23 March 2023 and the World TB Day Symposium on 24 March 2023.

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