
Miss Julia Pescarini

Assistant Professor

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Keppel Stret
United Kingdom

I have an undergraduate degree in Pharmacy (2010) and a Masters's degree in Parasitology from the University of São Paulo (2012). My passion for infectious disease epidemiology and social inequalities pushed me to specialise in this field. I obtained my PhD in Public Health at the University of São Paulo, having spent some time as a visiting student at LSHTM (2016). Since then, I have been building collaborations between Brazil and the UK through various projects that use administrative data and data linkage to investigate health inequalities and the impact of social protection policies on health. I continue to build my network in Brazil as an associated researcher at The Centre for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (CIDACS) within the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz, Brazil).


Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and International Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


I am currently teaching in "Statistics for Epidemiology and Population Health (STEPH)", "Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (SME)", "Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases" and "Analysis of Eletronic Health Records". I am the Co-Module Organizer for STEPH. I also supervise MSc and PhD students.


I am interested in understanding how poverty, vulnerability and deprived living conditions, included in the broad context of the social determinants of health, affect the chances of people becoming ill and how we can mitigate that. I have experience working with social determination of health, health inequalities and impact evaluation of social policies on inequalities.
Research Area
Global Health
Health inequalities
Health policy
Impact evaluation
Social and structural determinants of health
Disease and Health Conditions
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)
Tropical diseases
Emerging infectious diseases
Infectious diseases
Vector borne diseases
Cardiovascular diseases
Latin America & Caribbean (all income levels)

Selected Publications

CIDACS-RL: a novel indexing search and scoring-based record linkage system for huge datasets with high accuracy and scalability.
Barbosa, GC G; ALI, MS; Araujo, B; Reis, S; Sena, S; Ichihara, MY T; PESCARINI, J; Fiaccone, RL; Amorim, LD; Pita, R; Barreto, ME; SMEETH, L; Barreto, ML;
BMC medical informatics and decision making
Conditional Cash Transfer Program and Leprosy Incidence: Analysis of 12.9 Million Families From the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort.
PESCARINI, JM; WILLIAMSON, E; Ichihara, MY; Fiaccone, RL; Forastiere, L; Ramond, A; Nery, JS; Penna, ML F; Strina, A; Reis, S; SMEETH, L; RODRIGUES, LC; BRICKLEY, EB; Penna, GO; Barreto, ML;
Social distancing measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic: potential impacts and challenges in Brazil.
Aquino, EM L; Silveira, IH; PESCARINI, JM; Aquino, R; Souza-Filho, JA D; Rocha, AD S; Ferreira, A; Victor, A; Teixeira, C; Machado, DB; PAIXÃO, E; Alves, FJ O; Pilecco, F; Menezes, G; Gabrielli, L; Leite, L; Almeida, MD C C D; Ortelan, N; Fernandes, QH R F; Ortiz, RJ F; Palmeira, RN; Junior, EP P; Aragão, E; Souza, LE P F D; Netto, MB; ... Lima, RT D R S.
Ciencia & saude coletiva
Incidence of and Factors Associated With Leprosy Among Household Contacts of Patients With Leprosy in Brazil.
Teixeira, CS S; PESCARINI, JM; Alves, FJ O; Nery, JS; Sanchez, MN; Teles, C; Ichihara, MY T; Ramond, A; SMEETH, L; Fernandes Penna, ML; RODRIGUES, LC; BRICKLEY, EB; Penna, GO; Barreto, ML; Silva, RD C R;
Effect of a conditional cash transfer programme on leprosy treatment adherence and cure in patients from the nationwide 100 Million Brazilian Cohort: a quasi-experimental study.
PESCARINI, JM; WILLIAMSON, E; Nery, JS; Ramond, A; Ichihara, MY; Fiaccone, RL; Penna, ML F; SMEETH, L; RODRIGUES, LC; Penna, GO; BRICKLEY, EB; Barreto, ML;
Socioeconomic determinants of leprosy new case detection in the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort: a population-based linkage study.
Nery, JS; Ramond, A; PESCARINI, JM; Alves, A; Strina, A; Ichihara, MY; Fernandes Penna, ML; SMEETH, L; RODRIGUES, LC; Barreto, ML; BRICKLEY, EB; Penna, GO;
The Lancet Global Health
Ethno-racial inequalities on adverse birth and neonatal outcomes: a nationwide, retrospective cohort study of 21 million Brazilian newborns
Rebouças, P; PAIXÃO, ES; Ramos, D; PESCARINI, J; Pinto-Junior, EP; Falcão, IR; Ichihara, MY; Sena, S; Veiga, R; Ribeiro, R; RODRIGUES, LC; Barreto, ML; Goes, EF;
The Lancet Regional Health - Americas
Wildfire, deforestation and health in tropical rainforest areas: a scoping review protocol.
Casais, G; Guimarães, NS; Cortes, TR; PESCARINI, J; Rebouças de Magalhães, P; Wells, V; De Sousa Filho, JF; Delgado Neves, DJ; Shimonovich, M; Olsen, JR; De Carvalho Neto, EM; Cooper, P; Katikireddi, SV; Emanuel, L; Andrade, RF S; Ferreira Dos Santos, G; Barreto, ML;
BMJ open
Sustainable Development Goals' health-related indicators for Brazil and Ecuador: an analysis for the period of 1990-2019.
Malta, DC; Romero-Sandoval, N; Cardoso, LS D M; Arcos, P; Gualán, M; PESCARINI, JM; BRICKLEY, EB; Veloso, GA; Bernal, RT I; Gomes, CS; Kerr, LR F S; Naghavi, M; Cooper, PJ; Barreto, ML; Leyland, AH;
Public health
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