MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit is administratively run by the Unit Director and a Chief Operating Officer.
The Unit also has an expanded Unit Management Committee which comprises of the Unit Director, Chief Operating Officer, all theme heads and the head of Clinical Diagnostics Laboratory Services. Other members are co-opted onto the committee as and when need arises. This committee providing advice and support to the Unit Director to inform decision making.
The Unit has a Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), which meets annually. The mandate of the SAC is to advise the Director and senior staff on the scientific direction and strategy of the Unit, to enable maintain scientific excellence . The SAC is comprised of members with broad expertise both locally and internationally.
The Unit has various sections that support research activities at various levels, and these include:
- Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Services (CDLS)
- Data and Statistics section
- Operations section (Finance and Administration, HR, Training, Communications, IT & Estates)
- Bioinformatics section