
Promoting Shared Parental Leave in UK Higher Education Institutions

It is six years since the introduction of Shared Parental Leave (SPL) in the UK, but uptake remains disappointingly low, including in the Higher Education sector. In the context of progressing gender equality, this webinar will explore the potential role of employers in improving uptake. 

We will be welcoming Ernestine Gheyoh Ndzi and Anjali Raj from York St John University to share their research on SPL and breastfeeding support practices in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Their research data is based on an analysis of 66 university SPL policies and reflects on the role of employer support as a major factor behind why uptake of SPL is so low within UK HEIs.  

The webinar will provide an opportunity to reflect on these findings and, in the context of Advance Higher Education’s Athena Swan Charter, what HEIs can do to improve take up as a key strategy in progressing gender equality. 



Follow webinar link. Free and open to all. No registration required.

