
Dr Oana Tanasache

Research Fellow

United Kingdom

My background is in agricultural and food economics, with research interests situated at the intersection of food policy, health, and economics. Methodologically, I employ statistical modelling techniques, experimental methods, and Big Data analysis to examine food and health behaviours. I am also skilled in primary data collection, survey design and analysis, as well as programming.

My current research projects focus on the effects of calorie labelling policies on takeaway food choices and the dietary impacts of industry-led product reformulations of sugar-sweetened beverages. Previous research includes exploring the potential of mouse-tracking data for economic analysis, modelling the influence of food supply chain initiatives on consumer trust, and conducting social media analyses using Twitter data.

I hold a PhD in Agricultural and Food Economics and an MSc in Agricultural Economics from the University of Reading. Before my academic career, I worked with the World Bank, the European Commission, and the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).


Department of Public Health, Environments and Society
Faculty of Public Health and Policy


Introduction to Health Economics


Food policy

Health economics

Applied Economics


Big Data

Research Area
Health economics
Food production (agriculture)
Economic evaluation
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