
Prof Karen Devries

Professor of Social Epidemiology

United Kingdom


Department of Population Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


Centre for Evaluation

Selected Publications

Exploring the Relationship Between Experiences of Violence and Subjective Wellbeing: A Cross-Sectional Survey Among School Teachers in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp in Tanzania.
CHESANG, C; Leurent, B; Fabbri, C; Wilfred, A; Mubyazi, G; Shayo, E; Barongo, V; DEVRIES, K; GRECO, G;
Journal of interpersonal violence
Putting children's safety at the heart of violence research.
Bhatia, A; Zinke-Allmang, A; Bangirana, CA; Nakuti, J; AMOLLO, M; Mirembe, AF; Nangati, P; Guedes, A; Carter, K; Peterman, A; DEVRIES, K;
Nature medicine
Embedding violence prevention in existing religious and education systems: initial learning from formative research in the Safe Schools Study in Zimbabwe
ELDRED, E; Turner, E; Fabbri, C; Bhatia, A; Lokot, M; Nhenga, T; Nherera, C; Nangati, P; Moyo, R; Mgugu, D; Nyakuwa, R; Rank, S; Nyadombo, AT; DEVRIES, K;
International Congress of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN)
Factors Associated with Usage of Oral-PrEP among Female Sex Workers in Nairobi, Kenya, Assessed by Self-Report and a Point-of-Care Urine Tenofovir Immunoassay.
Shah, P; Spinelli, M; Irungu, E; Kabuti, R; Ngurukiri, P; Babu, H; Kungu, M; Champions, TM F S; Nyabuto, C; Mahero, A; DEVRIES, K; KYEGOMBE, N; MEDLEY, GF; GAFOS, M; SEELEY, J; WEISS, HA; Kaul, R; Gandhi, M; BEATTIE, TS; Kimani, J;
AIDS and behavior
Violence outcomes in later adolescence with the Good School Toolkit-Primary: a nonrandomized controlled trial in Uganda.
Knight, L; Atuhaire, L; Bhatia, A; ALLEN, E; Namy, S; Anton-Erxleben, K; Nakuti, J; Mirembe, A; Nakiboneka, M; SEELEY, J; WEISS, HA; Parkes, J; BONELL, C; Naker, D; DEVRIES, K;
BMC Public Health
Parental resilience in Trinidad & Tobago during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
Mottley, J; DEVRIES, K; Hart, K; RATHOD, SD; BULLER, AM;
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health
Sexual violence through corporal punishment: Rethinking siloes in school violence prevention using feminist theory and data from Uganda
Turner, E; Parkes, J; Nagasha, SN; Naker, D; Nakuti, J; Namy, S; DEVRIES, K;
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health
How do children define violence and maltreatment in childhood? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies from sub-Saharan Africa
KELLY, S; Turner, E; ELDRED, E; Bouzanis, K; Gatuguta, A; Balliet, M; LEES, S; DEVRIES, K;
Experiences of teachers and students on school closures and its consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nyarugusu refugee camp, Tanzania.
Shayo, EH; Mubyazi, G; Barongo, V; Bakari, M; Kiwale, Z; Fabbri, C; Turner, E; Rodrigues, K; DEVRIES, K;
PLOS global public health
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