I am a Health Economist with over twenty years of experience in low- and middle-income settings. I have worked within international funding agencies, as a consultant and in academia carrying out research, policy advice and training in financing and economic evaluation, efficiency and equity analyses in low income countries both in Africa and Asia. I also work on the economics of interventions for vulnerable groups.
I am a distance learning tutor responsible for course design and delivery across modules in PHM103 Introduction to Health Economics, PHM204 Economic Evaluation and PHM219 Impact Evaluation. I have developed a number of short courses on the economics and financing of health care for different funding agencies including UNICEF, DfID, the British Council, UNAIDS and AusAID. I am a longstanding tutor on PHM305 Project Module (Distance learning) for which I supervise MSc disstertation work. I supervise PhD students in the area of costing, financing and economic evaluation of healthcare programmes in low and middle income countries with a specific interest in cost estimation.
My research interests lie in evidence informed priority setting in low and middle income country settings and I am currently joint-PI on an NIHR Global Health Research Consortium - Shaping Health Packages and Research Prioirities (SHARP). I have a specific interest in cost estimation and its role in economic evaluation, equity and financing analyses for healthcare decision-making and provider payments. In addition, my research has explored economics of HIV and healthcare interventions for vulnerable groups.