
Ms Maxine Pepper

Research Assistant

United Kingdom

I am an epidemiologist working on maternal health and climate change-related exposures during pregnancy. My other research interests include control of healthcare-associated infections and understanding vaccination behaviours. I completed a BSc in Human Sciences at University College London and a MSc in Control of Infectious Diseases at LSHTM.


Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and International Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


I teach on MSc modules including Basic and Extended Epidemiology and on the short course Introductory Course in Epidemiology & Medical Statistics.


I am part of the MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics project which aims to improve measurement and service delivery. I am contributing to literature reviews, fieldwork projects, and a landscape review of indicators within routine health information systems.

My other research work is focused on understanding the relationship between climate-change related exposures during pregnancy and birth/childhood outcomes. I conduct this work in collaboration with partners from CIDACS-Fiocruz in Brazil.

Previously, I have worked on the control of healthcare-associated infections. As part of the CLEAN Frontline Cambodia study, I have developed and piloted a survey on the psychological determinants of hospital cleaning behaviours in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I have also conducted a secondary analysis of NHS data, exploring an association between patient-reported hospital cleanliness and hospital rates of C. difficile and MRSA bacteraemia.

Furthermore, I have contributed to research aimed at understanding vaccination behaviours, utilising incentivised economic games to test interventions focused on communicating vaccine effectiveness and increasing vaccine uptake.
Research Area
Maternal health
Climate change
Behaviour change
Disease control
Child health
Disease and Health Conditions
Hospital acquired infection

Selected Publications

Antenatal Care Interventions to Increase Contraceptive Use Following Birth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis.
MCCARTHY, OL; Fardousi, N; Tripathi, V; Stafford, R; Levin, K; Khan, F; PEPPER, M; CAMPBELL, OM R;
Global Health Science and Practice
Current Approaches to Following Up Women and Newborns After Discharge From Childbirth Facilities: A Scoping Review.
Global health, science and practice
Understanding and reducing inappropriate antibiotic use in the context of delayed prescriptions.
Santana, AP; Korn, L; Betsch, C; Krockow, EM; Sievert, ED C; Gross, M; PEPPER, M; Böhm, R;
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association
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