
Dr Pitchaya Peach Indravudh

Assistant Professor

United Kingdom

I am a public health researcher with a background in economics and evaluation. Specifically, I have been involved in the design of population health interventions addressing HIV-related risk and service use and the evaluation of their economic and health impact through experimental and observational approaches. I aim to use novel methods to capture the values, preferences, and behaviours of high risk populations and to improve measurement of their broader costs and outcomes.


Department of Global Health and Development
Faculty of Public Health and Policy


Global Health Economics Centre


I teach, tutor, and supervise MSc Public Health students.


My PhD evaluated whether uptake of HIV testing and treatment could be increased in Malawi from community-led delivery of HIV self-testing, through which mechanisms, and whether such an approach is efficient and cost-effective.

My current projects include: (i) Behavioural studies, including discrete choice experiments, of long-acting HIV prevention technologies in Kenya and Uganda (UPTAKE), (ii) Development of UNAIDS costing and budgeting guidelines for community-led HIV responses, (iii) Economic evaluation of a community HIV and STI programme in Zimbabwe (CHIEDZA), (iv) Stated preference research of TB medical decision-making in Peru, South Africa, Uganda, and Vietnam (FEND).

Previously, I worked on randomised trials and economic substudies of community HIV self-testing in Malawi (STAR).
Research Area
Health economics
Disease and Health Conditions
Sexually transmitted infections

Selected Publications

Uncertainty in tuberculosis clinical decision-making: An umbrella review with systematic methods and thematic analysis.
Basile, FW; SWEENEY, S; SINGH, MP; Bijker, EM; Cohen, T; Menzies, NA; VASSALL, A; INDRAVUDH, P;
PLOS global public health
Understanding mechanisms of impact from community-led delivery of HIV self-testing: Mediation analysis of a cluster-randomised trial in Malawi.
INDRAVUDH, PP; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F; NEUMAN, M; Kumwenda, MK; Chilongosi, R; Johnson, CC; Hatzold, K; CORBETT, EL; FIELDING, K;
PLOS Global Public Health
Effect of door-to-door distribution of HIV self-testing kits on HIV testing and antiretroviral therapy initiation: a cluster randomised trial in Malawi.
INDRAVUDH, PP; FIELDING, K; Chilongosi, R; Nzawa, R; NEUMAN, M; Kumwenda, MK; Nyirenda, R; JOHNSON, CC; Taegtmeyer, M; Desmond, N; Hatzold, K; CORBETT, EL;
BMJ global health
Pragmatic economic evaluation of community-led delivery of HIV self-testing in Malawi.
INDRAVUDH, PP; FIELDING, K; SANDE, LA; Maheswaran, H; Mphande, S; Kumwenda, MK; Chilongosi, R; Nyirenda, R; JOHNSON, CC; Hatzold, K; CORBETT, EL; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F;
BMJ global health
Effect of community-led delivery of HIV self-testing on HIV testing and antiretroviral therapy initiation in Malawi: A cluster-randomised trial.
INDRAVUDH, PP; FIELDING, K; Kumwenda, MK; Nzawa, R; Chilongosi, R; Desmond, N; Nyirenda, R; NEUMAN, M; JOHNSON, CC; Baggaley, R; Hatzold, K; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F; CORBETT, EL;
PLoS medicine
Who is Reached by HIV Self-Testing? Individual Factors Associated With Self-Testing Within a Community-Based Program in Rural Malawi.
INDRAVUDH, PP; HENSEN, B; Nzawa, R; Chilongosi, R; Nyirenda, R; JOHNSON, CC; Hatzold, K; FIELDING, K; CORBETT, EL; NEUMAN, M;
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)
Community-led delivery of HIV self-testing to improve HIV testing, ART initiation and broader social outcomes in rural Malawi: study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial.
INDRAVUDH, PP; FIELDING, K; Kumwenda, MK; Nzawa, R; Chilongosi, R; Desmond, N; Nyirenda, R; JOHNSON, CC; Baggaley, RC; Hatzold, K; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F; CORBETT, EL;
BMC infectious diseases
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of community-based lay distribution of HIV self-tests in increasing uptake of HIV testing among adults in rural Malawi and rural and peri-urban Zambia: protocol for STAR (self-testing for Africa) cluster randomized evaluations.
NEUMAN, M; INDRAVUDH, P; Chilongosi, R; D'ELBÉE, M; Desmond, N; FIELDING, K; HENSEN, B; JOHNSON, C; Mkandawire, P; Mwinga, A; Nalubamba, M; Ncube, G; Nyirenda, L; Nyrienda, R; Kampe, EO I; Taegtmeyer, M; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F; WEISS, HA; Hatzold, K; AYLES, H; CORBETT, EL;
BMC public health
Preferences for linkage to HIV care services following a reactive self-test: discrete choice experiments in Malawi and Zambia.
D'ELBÉE, M; INDRAVUDH, PP; Mwenge, L; Kumwenda, MM; Simwinga, M; CHOKO, AT; HENSEN, B; NEUMAN, M; ONG, JJ; Sibanda, EL; JOHNSON, CC; Hatzold, K; Cowan, FM; AYLES, H; CORBETT, EL; TERRIS-PRESTHOLT, F;
AIDS (London, England)
Scaling up HIV self-testing in sub-Saharan Africa: a review of technology, policy and evidence.
Current opinion in infectious diseases
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