
Taking a racial justice approach in relationships and sex education in England: What does it mean and what does it look like in practice?

Students attending a lecture

This free event convened by LSHTM will bring together research and practice-based examples to outline the importance of taking a racial justice approach in relationships and sex education (RSE) to address inequalities in provision and health and consider what this might look like in practice. 

The event will be of interest to teachers of RSE, sex educators, academics and intervention developers committed to the provision of high-quality, inclusive RSE that meets the needs of and improves outcomes for all students.


Lucy Emmerson, CEO of the Sex Education Forum

Lucy will present on a new workbook for educators on taking a racial justice lens to relationships and sex education.

Professor Vanita Sundaram, University of York

Vanita will share new research on Black and racially minoritized girls’ experiences of sexual harassment and implications for schools and sexuality education.

Rianna Raymond-Williams, Shine ALOUD UK

Rianna will present reflections from her PhD study on Black Caribbean women’s experiences of sexual and reproductive healthcare in the UK and her experience as a sexual health practitioner and researcher where she uses digital tools to engage communities in sexual and reproductive health. 

Dolly Padalia and Gayathiri Kamalakanthan, School of Sexuality Education

Dolly and Gayathiri will share insights on young people’s experience of sex education at the intersection of race, gender and sexuality and the School of Sexuality Education’s approach to anti-racist practice.

Following presentations, participants will be invited to contribute to a discussion of future priorities for research and practice in this area.

Discussants include Alison Wiggins (UCL), Rehana Faisal (Faiths Against Child Sexual Exploitation) and Dr Tanya Bass (North Carolina Central University).

The event will be chaired by Edem Ntumy (Reproductive Justice Initiative).

Zoom details

Join the webinar
Password: 588307

Please note this event will be recorded. To request access to the recording, please contact Ruth Ponsford.


Free and open to all, online. No registration required.

