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Prof Marzia Lazzerini

Professor of Global Child Health

United Kingdom

Marzia joined LSHTM in 2022. She is a paediatrician and epidemiologist by background, with clinical and research experience in maternal, newborn child health in over 40 countries, particularly in Europe, Central Asia, Africa, South East Asia, and Latin America. 

She has been collaborating closely with WHO since 1996, and has been directing a WHO Collaborating Centre for Maternal and Child Health, based in Trieste Italy, since 2012. She is currently a member of several WHO/UNICEF official boards - in particular related to maternal, newborn, child and adolescent quality of care and metrics.

She is author of about 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications, academic editor of scientific journals, invited external referee for several scientific journals and funding bodies including the Wellcome Trust and the EU Commission.

For WHO she has contributed so far to over 40 products - including WHO Standards for improving quality of care, WHO tools to assess and improve the quality of care, WHO manuals, WHO training packages, and WHO guidelines -.


Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and International Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


Centre for Maternal Adolescent Reproductive & Child Health


Marzia’s current main area of interest include quality of maternal newborn and child care and health system approaches to improve it. In the field of quality of care, she has been leading several multi-country research projects with different study design - including randomised controlled trials, cross-sectional studies, qualitative research, and implementation research - in different settings, and in collaboration with a broad range of partners, such as UN agencies, Academia, Ministries of Health, NGOs and other development partners.

For LSHTM, where she works part time since 2022, she is the PI for ”Improving Quality and Use of Newborn Indicators (IMPULSE)”, a two-phase project to describe and improve the quality and use of facility-level newborn indicators in 4 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. At the WHO Collaborating Center MCH Italy, that she has been directing since 2012, she is the PI of 7 large multicenter studies, all related to quality of MNCA health care.

In the past she has been working as clinical paediatrician in several different settings, and has been involved in clinical research, with a particular interest in malnutrition. She is a Cochrane author since 2004, and acted as methodologist for the development of over 20 WHO Guidelines, in particular in the field of maternal, newborn and child nutrition.

Marzia is interested in improving Quality of Care in both low-, middle-, and high-income settings. So far, she had direct field experience in the following regions and countries:
• Europe and Central Asia: Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo Region, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, UK, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
• Africa: Angola, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda.
• South East Asia and Latin America: Brazil, Mexico, El Salvador, Sri Lanka.

Research Area
Child health
Maternal health
Health systems
Quality improvement
Neonatal health
Sub-Saharan Africa (all income levels)
Europe & Central Asia (all income levels)
Latin America & Caribbean (all income levels)
East Asia & Pacific (all income levels)

Selected Publications

Quality of care at childbirth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium: a cross-sectional study based on WHO standards.
Galle, A; Berghman, H; D'Hauwers, S; Vaerewijck, N; Valente, EP; Mariani, I; Bomben, A; Delle Vedove, S; LAZZERINI, M; IMAgiNE EURO Study Group,;
BMJ open
Recommendations for Using Health Service Coverage Cascades to Measure Effective Coverage for Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health Services or Interventions.
Strong, K; Konstantinou, G; AGWEYU, A; Diaz, T; JACKSON, D; Kim, M; Kubota, S; Leslie, H; LAZZERINI, M; MARCHANT, T; Munos, M; Muzigaba, M; Quach, A; Sheffel, A; Yaqub, N; Life Stages Quality of Care Metrics Technical Work,;
Global health, science and practice
Lesson in understanding parents' perspective: perception of quality of care and COVID-19-related fears among users of paediatric health services over the COVID-19 pandemic in 11 facilities in Italy.
Dalena, P; Zago, A; Troisi, A; Trobia, GL; Lucarelli, A; Bressan, S; Fasoli, S; Martelossi, S; Lubrano, R; Parrino, R; Felici, E; Pilotto, C; Sforzi, I; Barbi, E; LAZZERINI, M; CHOICE Study Group,;
BMJ paediatrics open
Improving the Knowledge and Awareness of Labor Care Providers on Respectful Maternal Care in Sri Lanka: An Intervention Using Spiritual Principles
Senanayake, H; LAZZERINI, M; Rishard, M; De Abrew, A; Jayasinghe, S;
Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Trends in the quality of maternal and neonatal care in Sweden and Norway as compared to 12 WHO European countries: A cross-sectional survey investigating maternal perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Zaigham, M; Linden, K; Elden, H; Delle Vedove, S; Mariani, I; Kongslien, S; Drandić, D; Pumpure, E; Drglin, Z; Costa, R; Sarantaki, A; De Labrusse, C; Miani, C; Oțelea, MR; Liepinaitienė, A; Baranowska, B; Rozée, V; Valente, EP; Vik, ES; Kurbanović, M; Jakovicka, D; Bohinec, A; Dias, H; Metallinou, D; Mueller, AN; ... IMAgiNE EURO Study group,
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica
Women 's perception on the quality of maternal and newborn care during the COVID-19 pandemic in German-speaking countries: Findings from the IMAgiNE EURO project comparing data from Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Grylka-Baeschlin, S; Gemperle, M; Mariani, I; Abderhalden-Zellweger, A; Miani, C; Zenzmaier, C; Mueller, AN; Batram-Zantvoort, S; Koenig-Bachmann, M; De Labrusse, C; Arendt, M; Vedove, SD; Pfund, A; Simon, I; Valente, EP; LAZZERINI, M; IMAgiNE Euro Study Group,;
Health workers' perspectives on the quality of maternal and newborn health care around the time of childbirth: Results of the Improving MAternal Newborn carE in the EURO Region (IMAgiNE EURO) project in 12 countries of the World Health Organization European Region.
Valente, EP; Mariani, I; Bomben, A; Morano, S; Gemperle, M; Otelea, MR; Miani, C; Elden, H; Sarantaki, A; Costa, R; Baranowska, B; König-Bachmann, M; Kongslien, S; Drandić, D; Rozée, V; Nespoli, A; Abderhalden-Zellweger, A; Nanu, I; Batram-Zantvoort, S; Linden, K; Metallinou, D; Dias, H; Tataj-Puzyna, U; D'Costa, E; Nedberg, IH; ... Improving MAternal Newborn carE in the EURO Region,
Journal of global health
Implementation of the WHO standards to assess quality of care for children with acute pain in EDs: findings of a multicentre study (CHOICE) in Italy.
Balestra, E; Cozzi, G; Sforzi, I; Liguoro, I; Felici, E; Fasoli, S; Bressan, S; Minute, M; Portale, L; Dalena, P; Lubrano, R; Troisi, A; Valentino, K; Casciana, ML; Ferro, B; Bloise, S; Marchetti, F; Baltag, V; Barbi, E; LAZZERINI, M; CHOICE study group,;
BMJ paediatrics open
Implementation of the WHO Standards to assess quality of paediatric care at the facility level using service users' perspective as source of data: a multicentre quality improvement study in Italy.
Bressan, S; Sartor, G; Dalena, P; Balestra, E; Madera, A; Marchetti, F; Finocchiaro, MC; Tirelli, F; Felici, E; Marcellino, A; Fasoli, S; Cogo, P; Parrino, R; Castaldo, B; Santangelo, R; Toniutti, M; De Rosa, G; Baltag, V; LAZZERINI, M; CHOICE Study Group,;
BMJ paediatrics open
Evaluation of the WHO standards to assess quality of care for children with acute respiratory infections: findings of a baseline multicentre assessment (CHOICE) in Italy.
LAZZERINI, M; Dagnelut, M; Dalena, P; Sforzi, I; Toniutti, M; Felici, E; Bressan, S; Trobia, GL; Martelossi, S; Lubrano, R; Fasoli, S; Marchetti, F; Iuorio, A; Grisaffi, C; Galiazzo, S; Patanè, F; Stefani, C; Casciana, ML; Troisi, A; Barbi, E; CHOICE study group,;
BMJ paediatrics open
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