
Dr Rie Goto

Res. Fellow in Survey Data & Nutrition

United Kingdom

I work with the team on the Micronutrient Action Policy Support (MAPS) project in the Nutrition Group. My role involves utilising open-sourced, nationally representative data (Household Consumption and Expenditure Survey (HCES) data) to estimate dietary nutrient supplies and model the effectiveness and equitability of large-scale food fortification programs in Tanzania.


Department of Population Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


In LSHTM, I am contributing to the modules of the Basic Statistics for Clinical Trials in MSc Public Health by Distance Learning and Fundamental Public Health Nutrition in MSc Nutrition for Global Health.


I undertook the project “Estimating Food Consumption, Micronutrient Intake, and the Contribution of Large-Scale Food Fortification to Micronutrient Adequacy in Tanzania” with funding from USAID Advancing Nutrition and coordination by John Snow Institute, working with the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC). This project aimed to process recent HCES data from Tanzania to model dietary nutrient supplies and the potential effectiveness of a priority food fortification intervention. Additionally, the project aimed to build capacity at TFNC to utilize HCES data for developing national food fortification strategies and other nutrition-related objectives. I conducted training to build the capacity for basic statistical analyses in the R environment, calculated descriptive statistics on food and nutrient consumption using HCES data, and emphasized the value of HCES data for informing food fortification strategy development. 

Research Area
Vitamins and micronutrients
Disease and Health Conditions
Sub-Saharan Africa (developing only)
South Asia

Selected Publications

The impact of an income-generating activities programme on children and mothers' undernutrition in extreme poor rural Bangladeshi households.
GOTO, R; Devine, J; Nicholas Mascie-Taylor, CG; Ormand, J; Jufry, AJ;
Public health nutrition
Do remittances alleviate negative impacts of disaster on mental health? A case of the 2015 Nepal earthquake.
Tachibana, T; GOTO, R; Sakurai, T; Rayamajhi, S; Adhikari, A; Dow, WH;
Social science & medicine (1982)
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein concentration in young adults in the Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults
Ho, KY; GOTO, R; Näsänen-Gilmore, P; Andersson, S; Eriksson, JG; Kajantie, E; Hovi, P;
Acta paediatrica
Regional variation in maternal and childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh: evidence from demographic and health surveys.
Mohsena, M; GOTO, R; Nicholas Mascie-Taylor, CG;
WHO South-East Asia journal of public health
The impact of antibiotics on growth in children in low and middle income countries: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Gough, EK; Moodie, EE M; Prendergast, AJ; Johnson, SM A; Humphrey, JH; Stoltzfus, RJ; Walker, AS; Trehan, I; Gibb, DM; GOTO, R; Tahan, S; De Morais, MB; Manges, AR;
BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
The light skin allele of SLC24A5 in South Asians and Europeans shares identity by descent
Basu Mallick, C; Iliescu, FM; Möls, M; Hill, S; Tamang, R; Chaubey, G; GOTO, R; Ho, SY W; Gallego Romero, I; Crivellaro, F; Hudjashov, G; Rai, N; Metspalu, M; Mascie-Taylor, CG N; Pitchappan, R; Singh, L; Mirazon-Lahr, M; Thangaraj, K; Villems, R; Kivisild, T;
PLoS genetics
Associations between intestinal mucosal function and changes in plasma zinc concentration following zinc supplementation.
Wessells, KR; Hess, SY; Rouamba, N; Ouédraogo, ZP; Kellogg, M; GOTO, R; Duggan, C; Ouédraogo, J-B; Brown, KH;
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition
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