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Primary Health Care and Population Health

Discussing risk stratification, population health management and learning health systems, and their relationship with Primary Health Care

Primary Health Care event card

During this session we will discuss what population health management is, what learning health systems are and how they relate to primary health care. We will learn about the recent WHO report on Population Health Management. We will hear about the Basque Country’s experience of using risk stratification tools in primary care over the past decade, and about the 25-year journey to develop a successful primary case focused ‘Learning Health System’ in north east London. We will also explore the role of the commercial sector in supporting the analysis of population health data and identify lessons for countries wishing to strengthen the role of primary health care in managing health and care at a population level.

Learn more about, and watch back, previous sessions run by LSHTM’s primary health care group on our website. 


Dan Alton

Dan is a general practitioner and Chief Clinical Information Officer for Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board in England. He has been instrumental in helping design and deliver multiple large-scale digital and system transformation projects, as well as longer-term strategies to facilitate successful data-driven improvement. Dan has been National Clinical Advisor for Population Health Management (PHM) at NHS England since 2019. He also works for the WHO, helping to develop international policy, guidance and support for PHM development.

Carol Dezateux

Carol is a Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Health Data Science at the Centre for Primary Care in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health at Queen Mary University, London. She has clinical training in paediatrics and academic training in epidemiology.  As a member of the Clinical Effectiveness Group she is part of a team using data to support a ‘Learning Health System’ for north east London and the development of the 'One London' Local Health, Care Record Exemplar and London Health Data Strategy. 

Rohini Mathur

Rohini is a Professor and Chair of Health Data Science in the Wolfson Institute of Population Health at Queen Mary University, London. She is an epidemiologist specialising in the application of precision medicine approaches in globally diverse datasets to address health inequalities. She also works in the Clinical Effectiveness Group where she is leading an international project with a team from Chiang Mai University, Thai Ministry of Public Health and LSHTM to understand if a ‘Clinical Effectiveness Group’ style ‘Learning Health System’ approach can result in better and fairer care for people with long term conditions compared to routine care in Thai primary care settings. 

Eduardo Millán

Eduardo is a specialist in public health and preventive medicine. He works at the healthcare directorate of the Basque Health Service, where he has been coordinating the risk stratification in the Basque Country since 2014. He is also focused on health services research based on real world data, specifically on unwarranted variations in medical practice and appropriateness of healthcare. 

Martin McShane

Martin has worked for over four decades with experience as a surgeon, general practitioner, Primary Care Trust executive, national director at NHS England and Chief Medical Officer for Optum Health Solutions UK.  He is passionate about the potential for primary care to be the fulcrum for addressing the challenges health and care face in the 21st Century, enabled by population health analytics and the right politics, policy, money and measurements. 


Event notices

  • Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available.


Free and open to all. No registration required.

