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NCDs in Humanitarian Settings

A knowledge hub presenting the key resources around non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in humanitarian settings accessibly in one place.

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The knowledge hub collates key resources to support the community of humanitarian organizations and academic institutions committed to improving the lives of people living with noncommunicable diseases in humanitarian settings.  The hub’s core team are members of the Centre for Global Chronic Conditions at LSHTM. The centre works in partnership with leading international NGOs, key UN agencies, and academic partners to improve NCD care delivery in humanitarian settings.


The hub acts as a repository of tools, publications, and other resources to support practitioners delivering and evaluating NCD care in fragile and conflict settings. We have included clinical, operational and training guidelines and tools, research publications, reports, as well as monitoring, evaluation and research tools.


LSHTM undertakes implementation research and mixed methods evaluations, developing methods around the use of routine clinical data in the context of interrupted health care delivery. Current projects focus on diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, integrating mental and physical NCD care and the impact of Covid-19 on NCD care delivery. We also feature research projects undertaken by other organisations. 

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About NCDs in Humanitarian Settings 2 columns
About NCDs in Humanitarian Settings 2 columns left paragraph
A nurse takes the blood pressure of an expectant mother at the Kuchigoro Primary Health Centre, Abuja.

The knowledge hub

The knowledge hub collates key resources to support the community of humanitarian organizations and academic institutions committed to improving the lives of people living with noncommunicable diseases in humanitarian settings. The repository includes materials, tools, publications and other resources to facilitate access, knowledge sharing and mutual learning amongst actors in the field. The knowledge hub is facilitated by the Centre for Global Chronic Conditions at LSHTM, with a cross-disciplinary core team.


The Centre for Global Chronic Conditions collaborates with partners to improve NCD care delivery in humanitarian crises, including fragile health systems, disaster and conflict settings. We aim to:

  1. Grow the knowledge base via pragmatic evaluations, implementation research, quasi-experimental and innovative approaches to research in fragile humanitarian settings
  2. Support practitioners designing and delivering NCD care in fragile health systems, disaster and conflict settings
  3. Work on innovative approaches to chronic care delivery in the setting of healthcare disruption
  4. Collate evidence, guidelines and tools to manage NCDs in humanitarian settings
  5. Convene different actors (academia, NGOs, UN agencies, governments)
  6. Engage in shared learning with partners and building research capacity as relevant

We work with academic partners in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, UK and US and with major international humanitarian NGOs and UN agencies. We undertake implementation research, mixed methods evaluations and have developed methodology around the use of routine clinical data in the context of interrupted health care delivery. The focus of our work is on diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, integrating mental and physical NCD care and the impact of Covid19 on NCD care delivery.

Partners and funders

The NCDs in Humanitarian Setting Special Interest Group of the Centre for Global Chronic Conditions at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine works with a variety of partners. These include humanitarian implementing organisations, academic institutions, UN bodies and funding bodies, such as the Global Alliance for Chronic Conditions and the private sector.

The knowledge hub is hosted and maintained by the CGCC at LSHTM. Seed funding for site development was provided by Novo Nordisk A/S. The funder has had no role in the design, selection of content or governance of the site.


NCDs in humanitarian settings knowledge hub partner logos



These are the core people working on NCDs in humanitarian settings across the different departments and faculties at LSHTM.

Team Block
Profiles List
Prof Pablo Perel


Professor of Clinical Epidemiology
Prof Bayard Roberts


Professor of Health Systems & Policy
Dr Éimhín Ansbro


Assistant Professor
Ms Adrianna Murphy


Associate Professor
Dr Ruth Willis


Assistant Professor
Dr Michelle Lokot


Assistant Professor

Caroline Favas

Distance Learning Tutor

Benjamin Schmid

Distance Learning Tutor
Resources and tools NCD 2 columns
Resources and tools NCD 2 columns left paragraph
Screening for diabetes, Kanyama clinic TB corner, Lusaka.

The knowledge hub has collated the tools, publications, and other resources for use by humanitarian actors and researchers. The list will be updated with new items continuously, which can also be tracked in the Updates section. Most resources are open access, while some may require consultation with the originator, as indicated.

Clinical and operational guidelines
Clinical and operational tools
Training materials and tools
Monitoring, evaluation and research tools
Related resource pages


We have also collected key publications and reports on NCDs in humanitarian settings. We have structured these according to their main themes such as disease burden, access to care, models of care, perspectives, policy and commentaries, and reviews.  

Perspectives, commentaries, and policy briefs
Burden of disease
Access to care
Models of care


This page is regularly updated with new resources. If you are aware of any materials that are missing from this page or would like to contribute your organisation’s tools, please contact Dr Éimhín Ansbro at

Research projects NCDs in Humanitarian Settings 2 columns
Research projects NCDs in Humanitarian Settings 2 columns left paragraph
A family sat in a circle on the floor with medicine packets in the middle of them

Project mapping

View the NCDs in Humanitarian Settings project mapping spreadsheet.

To request any additions or updates to existing projects, please complete the feedback survey.

For any questions or comments, please contact

Updates NCD Humanitarian
Updates List
Study protocol: Human vs. analogue insulin for youth with type 1 diabetes in low-resource settings

The HumAn-1 trial is comparing a long-acting analogue insulin against human insulin among children and young adults living with T1D in a lower resource settings. A protocol for the randomised controlled trial has just been published:

Foulds A, Josey C, Kehlenbrink S, et al. Human versus Analogue Insulin for Youth with Type 1 Diabetes in Low-Resource Settings (HumAn-1): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2025;15:e092432. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-092432

New publication: Peer support group programme for vulnerable people living with diabetes and hypertension Lebanon

Sanga, L.A., Njeim, C., Ansbro, É. et al. Evaluation of a peer support group programme for vulnerable host population and refugees living with diabetes and/or hypertension in Lebanon: a before-after study. Confl Health 19, 5 (2025). 

Report Launch: Research Priorities for Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Crises

We are pleased to announce the launch of the report,  “Research Priorities for Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Crises: Focus on Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome” on Wednesday, 4 September 2024.

The webinar will take place at 8PM Bangkok / 4PM Nairobi / 2PM London / 9AM New York time and will be chaired by Mike Woodman, Senior Public Health Officer at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

  • Time: 14:00-15:30 London Time
  • Date: Wednesday 4 September
  • Location: online via Zoom (with language interpretation)
  • Registration: 


Our presenters and panellists bring a wealth of expertise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in crisis settings, encompassing research, practice, and lived experience:

  • Chaza Akik - Consultant Investigator, American University of Beirut (AUB)
  • Lilian Kiapi - Co-Principal Investigator, International Rescue Committee (IRC)
  • Philippa Boulle - Non-Communicable Diseases Advisor; Chronic Disease Team Leader, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
  • Bayard Roberts - Professor of Health Systems & Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
  • Mohammed Seyam - Gazan Medical Doctor, NCDs in Crises Advocate, Young Leader in Diabetes
  • Mesfin Teklu Tessema - Senior Director, Health Unit, IRC


We are honoured to have such a distinguished group sharing their insights and experiences and we look forward to engaging with you during the launch.


Call for Applications: Global Forum on Humanitarian Health Research 2025

The Global Forum on Humanitarian Health Research (GFH2R) is a unique convening that seeks to elevate the voice of researchers from settings affected by humanitarian crises, especially low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), through a series of webinars and an in-person meeting taking place in Nairobi, Kenya in May 2025 (dates TBD). The theme for GFH2R 2025 is Health Research at the Nexus of Humanitarian Crises and Climate Change. Anyone interested is welcome to join the webinars, the first of which will take place on August 28 at 9:00 a.m. ET (USA). Individuals interested in attending the in-person meeting should apply as a case study presenter or general participant.

New publication

Jason T.T., Ipsita Hamid I.T., Ghazal A., Meerjady S.F., Abid M.R., Prevalence of non-communicable disease among displaced Rohingya in southern Bangladesh: a first look at a persecuted ethnic minority from Myanmar, 2024, International Health, 16(4), pp 409–415

New publication: Living with and managing type 1 diabetes in humanitarian settings
NCD Response preparedness: Case study from Lebanon

Due to the hostilities on the Lebanon-Israeli border linked to the Gaza conflict, resulting in casualties, displacement, and health facility closures, the LRC published a case study on minimizing disruptions in managing NCDs.

The study highlights the role of community health volunteers in supporting those with special needs, the formation of supportive peer networks, and the importance of internal coordination and communication for an effective response.

Small video: NCD Continuity of care in Somali

In this video made by DRC and Somali RC, the Somali RC Health director articulates some of the challenges they are faced with and advances made.

New: WHO website features NCDs in humanitarian settings

The WHO website now features on its home page, a NCDs in humanitarian settings page. The link to this page is available here on our Related resources section for ease of access.

Some of resources featured in the NCDs in humanitarian settings page are:

Just launched: Peer support handbook

Partnering for Change (P4C) just launched a preliminary draft of practical guidebook designed to assist in the planning, implementation, and assessment of peer support initiatives for individuals living with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in humanitarian contexts. 

4th Annual Symposium on Diabetes in Humanitarian Crises

The 4th Symposium on Diabetes in Humanitarian Crises is just around the corner, taking place on May 9-10! There is an incredible line-up of speakers and discussions planned, and we look forward to welcoming you to this engaging event. Less than 2 weeks to go – don't miss out!

Please see the preliminary program by clicking here.

There is still time to register! Register for virtual or in-person attendance at

New publication: Implementing (and evaluating) peer support with people living with noncommunicable diseases in humanitarian settings

Schmid, B., Njeim, C., Vijayasingham, L., Anku Sanga, L., Kighsro Naimi, R., Fouad, F. M., Akik, C., Zmeter, C., Aebischer Perone, S., Bruun Larsen, L., Roswall, J., Ansbro, E., & Perel, P. (2024). Implementing (and evaluating) peer support with people living with noncommunicable diseases in humanitarian settings. Journal of Migration and Health

New publication: Implementing and evaluating integrated care models for non-communicable diseases in fragile and humanitarian settings

Vijayasingham, L., Ansbro, É., Zmeter, C., Abbas, L. A., Schmid, B., Sanga, L., Larsen, L. B., Perone, S. A., & Perel, P. (2024). Implementing and evaluating integrated care models for non-communicable diseases in fragile and humanitarian settings. Journal of Migration and Health, 9, 100228.

New publication: Policy Brief on the need to prioritise people living with NCDs in any humanitarian setting

NCD Alliance, The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, 2024, Neglected and in Crisis: NCDs as a Priority in Humanitarian Settings, Policy Brief. 

EXECUTIVE SHORT COURSE: Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Settings

Centre for Global Chronic Conditions, in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, presents an executive short course addressing the distinctive challenges posed by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in humanitarian settings. 

This program is designed to equip professionals with the essential knowledge and skills required for effective NCD program management. Engage with international experts and a diverse community of peers to gain insights and practical strategies. Join us on this transformative learning journey and enhance your impact in addressing NCDs within humanitarian contexts. 

Click here to enrol here  and get a unique opportunity to advance your expertise. Application deadline is 28th April

Global high-level technical meeting on NCDs in humanitarian settings: building resilient health systems, leaving no-one behind

The Global High-Level NCD Technical Meeting, hosted by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and co-organized by WHO and UNHCR, is scheduled to take place 27-29 February 2024 in Copenhagen. 

This will be a closed hybrid event with an objective to strengthen the integration of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in humanitarian responses. 

Experts from various fields will discuss ways to support Member States in delivering NCD services during crises, with outcomes shaping the 2024 UN progress report and informing plans for the Fourth UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025. 

New publication: Humanitarian appeals for 2024 face severe funding losses

John Zarocostas, 2024, Humanitarian appeals for 2024 face severe funding losses, The Lancet, 403(10421), 14–15. 

New publication

Richter B, Bongaerts B and Metzendorf M-I, 2023, Thermal stability and storage of human insulin. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD015385. 

New publication: Patient experiences of diabetes and hypertension care during an evolving humanitarian crisis in Lebanon: A qualitative study.

Willis, R., Akik, C., El-Dirani, Z., Truppa, C., Zmeter, C., Fleri, F., Perone, S. A., Paci, R., Frederiksen, S., Haidar, C. A., Hamadeh, R. S., Fouad, F. M., Perel, P., Roberts, B., and Ansbro, É., 2023. Patient experiences of diabetes and hypertension care during an evolving humanitarian crisis in Lebanon: A qualitative study. PLOS Global Public Health, 3(12)

Invitation: Participate in research prioritisation survey for NCDs in humanitarian settings

Our dedicated team of NCD researchers and practitioners at IRC and AUB, along with the valued collaboration of the Informal Inter-Agency Working Group (IIAWG) on NCDs, is working towards establishing crucial priorities for NCD research over the next decade, with a specific focus on Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome (CMS).

We previously shared a survey on priority questions and we appreciate everyone who shared your thoughts in the first survey, thank you!

We now invite you to take part in the second survey, where you can help us score the compiled list of 43 priority research questions against predefined criteria. Your insights are invaluable in shaping these priorities, and we would greatly appreciate your participation in our survey process. 

Are you interested, have been/are involved in or considering involvement in programs or research related to NCDs in humanitarian settings/crisis? You could be:

  1. Health care worker
  2. Researcher in an academic setting
  3. Researcher in a non-academic setting (e.g., think tank or pharmaceutical company)
  4. Representative of a health professional body
  5. Representative of a donor/ funding organization
  6. Focal person from ministry of health or other government related health agency or
  7. NCD patients’ representative
  8. Health programme managers/coordinators
  9. Technical expert on NCDs

If your answer is yes to the above question, then please proceed with the Survey . The survey is available in English, French, Arabic, and Spanish and is open until 26th November 2023

We appreciate your time and effort in contributing to this important endeavour. Please note that the survey is designed to be filled out online, using a laptop or computer with browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, or Safari. The survey cannot be filled from mobile phones or tablets.

For additional details, including the consent form, please visit Consent Form and Survey.

Thank you for being a crucial part of our research community!

IRC and AUB Research Teams


Its World Diabetes day today!!

2023 Theme: Access to Diabetes Care.

Millions of individuals globally who have diabetes lack access to proper diabetes care. Continuous care and support are essential for individuals with diabetes to effectively manage their condition and mitigate the risk of complications.

There is an urgent need for the following:

  1. Ensuring that medications, technologies, support, and care are accessible to all individuals with diabetes who require them.
  2. Governments must increase their investments in diabetes care and prevention.

In the year 2023, the campaign will emphasize the significance of knowing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes as a means of delaying or preventing the condition. It will also underscore the impact of complications associated with diabetes and stress the importance of having access to accurate information and care for prompt and effective treatment and management. More information about World Diabetes Day can be found here

NCD Financing in Humanitarian Settings: Report by Danish Red Cross

In this report , written by ThinkWell and commissioned by DRC, DRC seeks to investigate necessity and potential mechanisms for establishing additional global financing mechanisms for NCD care in humanitarian settings.

The report was discussed by 35 experts from International Rescue Committee, RTI International, ICRC, LSHTM, UNRWA and several other institutions. These experts had the opportunity to validate the analysis and to extend its conclusions beyond the Danish Red Cross. The summary from teh roundtable discussion can be found here

Call for Proposals: Type 1 Diabetes Community Fund

Proposal submission opens 13th September and closes on 30th October.

The T1D Community Fund will support community-based organizations working to improve the lives of people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The funding will be for up to 2 years and is expected to range from USD$10,000 to 40,000 per year

Visit the T1D Community Fund website to view the submission guidelines.

Update: New global report on Hypertension launched at UNGA
New publication

Lyles E, Paik K, Kiogora J, Hussein H, Cordero Morales A, Kiapi L, Doocy S, 2023. Adoption of Electronic Medical Records for Chronic Disease Care in Kenyan Refugee Camps: Quantitative and Qualitative Prospective Evaluation
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth

New publication
Call for papers

Journal of Migration and Health will publish a special issue focused on Non-communicable diseases in humanitarian settings in low and middle income countries.

Submissions that evaluate complex interventions, utilize implementation science, and incorporate multidisciplinary approaches are specifically encouraged.

Guest editors

  • Dr. Pablo Perel, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London WC1H 9SH, United Kingdom.
  • Dr. Eimhin Ansbro, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London WC1H 9SH, United Kingdom.
  • Dr. Chaza Akik, American University of Beirut, Beirut 1107 2020, Lebanon.

Find out more on the Science Direct website. 

The Copenhagen school of global health symposium on 14th Sept
The 78th session of the UN General Assembly

The 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA78) will take place at the UN headquarters in New York, USA, from 12th - 30th September 2023.


New publications: 6 resources added to the hub

Alani, A.H., Miller, L., Darji, B., Waweru, I., Atwiine, A.B., Tonelli, M., Mogga, J.L.K., Adams, A., Ndinda, L., Jongo, S. and Kiapi, L., 2023. Assessment of the WHO non-communicable diseases kit for humanitarian emergencies in South Sudan: a retrospective, prospective, observational study. Conflict and Health, 17(1), pp.1-10.

Gyawali, B., Ratib, D., Dræbel, T.A., Kyaddondo, D., Nakanjako, R., Nanfuka, E., Bygbjerg, I.C., Meyrowitsch, D.W. and Skovdal, M., 2023. Factors associated with continuity of care in hypertension and type 2 diabetes among forcibly displaced persons in the Bidibidi refugee settlement in Uganda: Protocol for a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 19(6), pp.913-920.

Kehlenbrink, S., Jobanputra, K., Reddy, A., Boulle, P., Gomber, A., Nugent, R., Varma, V., Nakayama, A.T. and Ellman, T., 2023. Diabetes Care in Humanitarian Settings. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics.

Neyazi, N., Mosadeghrad, A.M. and AbouZeid, A., 2023. Non-communicable diseases in Afghanistan: a silent tsunami. The Lancet, 401(10393), pp.2035-2036.

[Not open-acess] Semenov, V.V., Kumar, S., Zak, M.Y., Kuryata, O., Murach, A., Syrovatko, I., Krupchak, N., Corteillino, C. and Trombatore, G., 2023. Types of morbidity presenting in frontline-bordering regions of Ukraine: the experience of deploying additional mobile medical units. BMJ Mil Health.

Shortland, T., McGranahan, M., Stewart, D., Oyebode, O., Shantikumar, S., Proto, W., Malik, B., Yau, R., Cobbin, M., Sabouni, A. and Rudge, G., 2023. A systematic review of the burden of, access to services for and perceptions of patients with overweight and obesity, in humanitarian crisis settings. Plos one, 18(4), p.e0282823.



Call for abstracts: IDF Virtual Congress 2023

Abstract submission opens on June 1 and closes on July 31.

The IDF welcomes original abstracts on the following topics related to diabetes complications and diabetes in emergency situations:

  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Hypertension
  • Eye
  • Kidney
  • Foot
  • Neuropathy
  • Other Complications
  • Diabetes and Covid-19
  • Diabetes in crises: natural disaster and conflict

All accepted abstracts will be published in the IDF journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (DRCP). Visit the IDF 2023 website to view the submission guidelines.

Call for abstracts: Continuity of chronic health care among forcibly displaced persons

University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health is launching the UCPH Global Health Day on 14 September - the first in a series of annual symposia about global health challenges. The topic for 2023 is ‘Continuity of chronic health care among forcibly displaced persons’. 

Find their call for abstracts on the symposium website. Deadline: 15th May 2023.

Invitation: Participate in research prioritisation exercise

Access to the participation sheet.

This notice is for an AUB-IRB Approved Research Study for Prof. Abla Sibai at AUB. *It is not an Official Message from AUB*

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and American University in Beirut (AUB) are collaborating on Elrha’s Research in Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC): NCDs Research Priority Setting exercise: A focus on Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome (CMS). The project is led by a team of NCD researchers and practitioners from IRC and AUB with strong engagement from the members of the Informal Inter-Agency Working Group (IIAWG) on NCDs.

This exercise will generate a consensus on priorities for NCD research in humanitarian settings for the next decade with a focus on Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome (CMS). It involves deploying two consecutive surveys and conducting engagement meetings. The first survey, for which we are reaching out to you today, involves sourcing priority research questions.

If you are interested in learning more about the study and taking part in the survey, please see below if the question fits your description.

Are you interested/planning to or have you or do you currently/ conduct/support/implement programs or do research on NCDs in a humanitarian setting/crisis?  You could be for example,

  1. Health care worker
  2. Researcher in an academic setting
  3. Researcher in a non-academic setting (e.g., think tank or pharmaceutical company)
  4. Representative of a health professional body
  5. Representative of a donor/ funding organization
  6. Focal person from ministry of health or other government related health agency or
  7. NCD patients’ representative
  8. Health programme managers/coordinators
  9. Technical expert on NCDs

If your answer is yes to the above question, then please proceed with the survey by clicking on the link below.

 This survey is available in four languages: English, French, Arabic, and Spanish. You can select your preferred language on the top right of the page once you click on the link below.

Link to the consent form and survey:


Prof. Abla Sibai (AUB)

Dr. Lilian Kiapi (IRC)

New publications: 13 resources added to the hub

Clinical and operational guidelines

WHO guideline on self-care interventions for health and well-being, 2022 revision. World Health Organization, 2022. ISBN: 978 92 4 005219 2

Minimum Service Package. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support. Inter-Agency Standing Committee MHPSS Reference Group, 2022. Access from:

The ISN framework for developing dialysis programs in low-resource settings. International Society of Nephrology, 2021. Brussels, Belgium.

Guidance on mainstreaming biodiversity for nutrition and health. World Health Organization, 2020. Access from:

Clinical and operational tools 

Educational posters and leaflets for people living with diabetes in Lebanon. for Change, 2023. Access from:

6 Strategies for Ethical Patient Engagement. T1International, 2022. Access from:


24th Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines. World Health Organization, 2023. Access from:

Model of care

Activities of mobile medical teams in Ukraine in war conditions. Ukrinform TV, 2022. Access from:

Effectiveness of therapeutic patient education interventions for chronic diseases: A systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. Correia, J.C., Waqas, A., Assal, J.P., Davies, M.J., Somers, F., Golay, A. and Pataky, Z., 2022. Frontiers in medicine, 9.

Glycemic control and diabetes complications among adult type 2 diabetic patients at public hospitals in Hadiya zone, Southern Ethiopia. Dimore, A.L., Edosa, Z.K. and Mitiku, A.A., 2023. Plos one, 18(3), p.e0282962.

SCORE global report 2020 (and visual summary). World Health Organization, 2021. Access from: ISBN: 978 92 4 001870 9

Perspectives, commentaries, and policy briefs

NCD Alliance Advocacy Priorities For the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC). NCD Alliance, 2023. Access from:

Improving access to diagnostic testing in conflict-affected areas: what is needed?. Wilson, M.L. and Plebani, M., 2023. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), (0).

New Executive Short Course: NCDs in Humanitarian Settings

LSHTM's Centre for Global Chronic Conditions is co-facilitating an Executive Short Course on NCDs in Humanitarian Settings, together with the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies. It is targeted at humanitarian professionals that wish to learn more about NCDs as well as how to develop and measure NCD programs.

Application deadline: 30th April 2023
Course dates: 22 May - 2 June 2023
Fee: CHF 1'700

Find out more on the course site!

Launching of project map and newsletter

The Knowledge Hub now features a project map on NCDs in humanitarian settings. It was developed jointly with the International Alliance for Diabetes Action (IADA) and complements its diabetes-focused project map. Ongoing projects focused on developing clinical and operational guidelines will only be featured by the IADA project map. Published guidelines will also be listed in the "Resources" section of the hub.   

A newsletter for the hub's community was launched and will provide quarterly updated on key developments in the area of NCDs in Humanitarian Settings as well as the hub. Anyone is welcome to sign-up to the newsletter. Unsubscribing from the newsletter can be done at any point. 

New publications: 6 resources were added to the hub

A framework for improving diabetes care in humanitarian emergencies. Kehlenbrink, S., Jobanputra, K., Ansbro, É., Besançon, S., Boulle, P., Bygrave, H., Sarteau, A.C., Gomber, A., Kiapi, L., Luo, J. and Nakayama, A., 2023.  The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 11(3), pp.146-149.

Factors associated with the availability and affordability of essential cardiovascular disease medicines in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Lotfizadeh, A., Palafox, B., Takallou, A., Balabanova, D., McKee, M. and Murphy, A., 2022. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(3), p.e0000072.

Fixed dose combination drugs for cardiovascular disease in a prolonged humanitarian crisis in Lebanon: an implementation study. Ansbro, É., Masri, S., Prieto-Merino, D., Willis, R., Bahous, S.A., Molfino, L., Boulle, P. and Perel, P., 2023. BMJ open, 13(1), p.e063668.

Pilot testing and implementation of a mHealth tool for non-communicable diseases in a humanitarian setting. Doocy, S., Paik, K., Lyles, E., Tam, H.H., Fahed, Z., Winkler, E., Kontunen, K., Mkanna, A. and Burnham, G., 2017. PLoS currents, 9.

Quality improvement methods to strengthen hemodialysis in Northwest Syria. Burnham, G.M., Alashavi, H. and Alasfar, S., 2023. Journal of Global Health Science, 4(2).

The management of diabetes in conflict settings: Focus on the Syrian crisis. Khan, Y., Albache, N., Almasri, I. and Gabbay, R.A., 2019. Diabetes Spectrum, 32(3), pp.264-269.

New publications: 14 resources were added to the hub


A human rights-based approach to improve access to insulin and other aspects of diabetes care. Brennan, F., Williams, P., Armstrong, K., Klatman, E., Donelan, N., Ogle, G.D., Eussen, A. and Jenkins, A.J., 2022. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 183, p.109153.

Assessing equity of access and affordability of care among South Sudanese refugees and host communities in two districts in Uganda: a cross-sectional survey. King, J., Prabhakar, P., Singh, N., Sulaiman, M., Greco, G., Mounier-Jack, S. and Borghi, J., 2022. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), p.1165.

[Not open-access] “Who are you to tell me what to do?”–how to win over a community: A study on community engagement as a barrier and lever for non-governmental organisations in responding to non-communicable diseases in humanitarian settings. Knijf, M., 2022. Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet.



Health Care Needs of Iraqi Refugees Presenting to the Kurdish Red Crescent Clinics in the Al Hol Camp During 12 Months of on-going Conflict: A Cross-sectional Study. Garavan, K.C., Berlaer, G., Houghton, F., Sherwan, Bery, Ronald, Buyl. and Hubloue, I., 2022. Short Title Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: Idp and Refugee Health Care Needs.



Caring for people with diabetes and non-communicable diseases in Ukraine: a humanitarian emergency. Maystruk, G., Perone, S.A., Anufriyeva, V., Boulle, P., Chappuis, F. and Beran, D., 2022. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 10(5), p.308.

Diabetes in humanitarian crises. [Not open-access] Burki, T., 2022. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 10(7), pp.486-487.

Discussion paper – Neglected and in Crisis: Delivering NCD Care in humanitarian settings. NCD Alliance, 2022. Access from:

Noncommunicable Diseases: A Compendium. Banatvala, N. and Bovet, P., 2023. Taylor & Francis.



The prevalence of non-communicable diseases among Syrian refugees in Syria's neighbouring host countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Al-Oraibi, A., Hassan, O., Chattopadhyay, K. and Nellums, L.B., 2022. Public Health, 205, pp.139-149.



Ethical Considerations Associated with Closing a Non-communicable Disease Program in a Humanitarian Setting. Saeed, H.M., Schwartz, L. and Hunt, M., 2022. Canadian Journal of Bioethics, 5(2), pp.132-135.

Management of Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors among Venezuelans Affected by the Humanitarian Crisis (Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University). Goodman-Palmer, D., 2022. Access from:

Predictors and barriers for the management of non-communicable diseases among older Syrian refugees amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Lebanon: A cross-sectional analysis of a multi-wave survey. McCall, S.J., Khoury, T.E., Salibi, N., Zeid, B.A., Haddad, M.E., Alawieh, M.F., Abdulrahim, S., Chaaya, M., Ghattas, H. and Sibai, A., 2022. medRxiv, pp.2022-04.

[Not open-access] OP03 Predictors of and barriers to self-management of non-communicable diseases among older Syrian refugees in Lebanon: A cross-sectional analysis from a multi-wave survey. McCall, S., Salibi, N., El Khoury, T., El Haddad, M., Abdulrahim, S., Chaaya, M. and Sibai, A., 2022. BMJ Epidemiology and Community Health.

Integration of NCD care in emergency response and preparedness. World Health Organization, 2018.

New publications: Multiple resources were added to the hub

Odhaib, S.A., Mansour, A.A., Khalifa, S.F., Shegem, N., Thannon, W., Abi Saad, M., Abdulrazaq, H., Belkhadir, J., Sandid, M. and Masood, S.N., 2022. Impact of humanitarian crises on diabetes care in Iraq and Syria—IDF-MENA region. Journal of Diabetology, 13(5), p.38.

[Not open access] Médecins Sans Frontières, 2022. TEMBO.

World Health Organization, 2022. Noncommunicable disease facility-based monitoring guidance: framework, indicators and application. World Health Organization.

World Health Organization, 2021. International Webinar: Strengthening Noncommunicable Disease Prevention & Management in Humanitarian Settings - Reviewing the Cox's Bazar approach.

World Health Organization, 2020. Quality of care in fragile, conflict-affected and vulnerable settings: taking action.

Zablith, N., Diaconu, K., Naja, F., El Koussa, M., Loffreda, G., Bou-Orm, I. and Saleh, S., 2021. Dynamics of non-communicable disease prevention, diagnosis and control in Lebanon, a fragile settingConflict and health15(1), pp.1-13.

Nieto-Martínez, R., González-Rivas, J.P., Lima-Martínez, M., Stepenka, V., Rísquez, A. and Mechanick, J.I., 2015. Diabetes care in VenezuelaAnnals of global health81(6), pp.776-791.

Akik, C., Asfahani, F., Elghossain, T., Mesmar, S., Rabkin, M., El Sadr, W., Fouad, F.M. and Ghattas, H., 2022. Healthcare system responses to non-communicable diseases’ needs of Syrian refugees: The cases of Jordan and Lebanon. Journal of migration and health6, p.100136.

Ansbro, É , Dubois, G., Haugaard, N., Klansø, P. and Serafini, M., 2022. Conflict, Displacement and Living with a Chronic Disease

Hammad, A.M., Al-Qerem, W., Alasmari, F., Ling, J., Qarqaz, R. and Alaqabani, H., 2022. Identifying Drug-Therapy Problems among Syrian Refugees in Zaatari Refugee CampInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(12), p.7199.

Kehlenbrink, S., Ansbro, É., Besançon, S., Hassan, S., Roberts, B. and Jobanputra, K., 2022. Strengthening Diabetes Care In Humanitarian Crises In Low-And Middle-Income SettingsThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

International Rescue Committee, Johns Hopkins University, 2022. Adoption of electronic medical records for chronic disease care in Kenyan refugee camps

Mikki, N. and Mactaggart, I., 2022. The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in the occupied Palestinian territories: a national cross-sectional studyThe Lancet399, p.S19.

Ngaruiya, C., Bernstein, R., Leff, R., Wallace, L., Agrawal, P., Selvam, A., Hersey, D. and Hayward, A., 2022. Systematic review on chronic non-communicable disease in disaster settingsBMC Public Health22(1), pp.1-88.

Asgary, R., Garland, V., Ro, V., Stribling, J.C. and Waldman, R., 2022. A systematic review of effective strategies for chronic disease management in humanitarian settings; opportunities and challenges. Preventive medicine161, p.107154.

Rahman, A., Biswas, J. and Banik, P.C., 2022. Non-communicable diseases risk factors among the forcefully displaced Rohingya population in BangladeshPLOS Global Public Health2(9), p.e0000930.

List of past events added

3rd Symposium on Diabetes in Humanitarian Crises. International Alliance for Diabetes Action (IADA). October 20-21 2022 in Krakow, Poland.

IADA is inviting to the 3rd annual symposium on diabetes in humanitarian crises taking place in Krakow in autumn 2022. The event will be a hybrid with options of joining both in-person and online. Registration of interest can be done directly with the organizer (IADA).

MSF Scientific days. Médecins Sans Frontières. Conference, 2021.

MSF Scientific Days bring together researchers, practitioners, academics and patient representatives to catalyse improvements in the quality of care provided to patients and communities at risk. The presentations include a wide range of subjects, including non-communicable disease care.

Caring for people with NCDs in humanitarian settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ready Initiative. Webinar, 2020.

In this webinar, experts from humanitarian organizations and the World Health Organization shared their experiences with challenges, current responses, lessons learned, and the pending agenda for non-communicable diseases in COVID-19.

2nd Annual Symposium on Diabetes in Humanitarian Crisis. Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, International Alliance for Diabetes Action, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Symposium, 2020.

This 2nd Annual Symposium on Diabetes in Humanitarian Crises followed up on the progress that has been made over the past year since the Boston Declaration. Discussions covered major global events of the past year that changed the humanitarian health agenda, and a way forward.

1st Annual Symposium on Diabetes in Humanitarian Crisis. Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, International Alliance for Diabetes Action, Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Symposium, 2020.

In April 2019, Harvard University convened a meeting in Boston with humanitarian and other organizations in global health to discuss the immediate needs and barriers to tackling diabetes in humanitarian crises and push a unified agenda. The meeting resulted in the Boston Declaration which was signed by 64 signatories from over 40 international organizations.

Chronic care in humanitarian crises. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Danish Red Cross, Novo Nordisk, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. World Health Assembly 19 side-event, 2019.

As a WHA72 side-event, the impact partnership between the ICRC, DRC and Novo Nordisk brought key stakeholders together in a panel discussion to explore the current state of NCD care in humanitarian settings. Moderator: Pablo Perel.

Fixed Dose Combination Pills for NCDs Symposium. George Institute for Global Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Médecins sans Frontières. Symposium, 2018.

This international symposium brought together experts working on fixed-dose combinations for CVD and hypertension together with experts working in the fields of HIV and TB, as well as representatives from governmental, non-governmental organizations, civil society, industry and funders. The aim was to provoke a lively discussion around the barriers, next steps, and an agenda for further research, advocacy and policy change.

Resources for the Ukraine response

The team has collated NCD related resources for the Ukraine response, which are now easily accessible through as a PDF. It outlines key operational resources that may help humanitarian organizations addressing NCDs in their Ukraine response. 

New resource: MOOC on Operational Research for Humanitarians

The Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the Aga Khan University have just launched a new, free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Operational Research for Humanitarians. While not specific to health or NCDs, it may prove a useful resource for our community working on NCDs in humanitarian settings.

Register here:

Or watch the trailer video:

New publications: Multiple resources were added to the hub

Harris, P., Kirkland, R., Masanja, S., Le Feuvre, P., Montgomery, S., Ansbro, É., Woodman, M. and Harris, M., 2022. Strengthening the primary care workforce to deliver high-quality care for non-communicable diseases in refugee settings: lessons learnt from a UNHCR partnership. BMJ global health, 7(Suppl 5), p.e007334.

Kiapi, L., Alani, A.H., Ahmed, I., Lyons, G., McLain, G., Miller, L., Darji, B., Waweru, I., Aragno, M., Kisarach, K. and Zeleke, M., 2022. Assessment of the non-communicable diseases kit for humanitarian emergencies in Yemen and Libya. BMJ Global Health, 7(Suppl 5), p.e006621.

Miller, L., Alani, A.H., Avril, N., Jingree, M.L., Atwiine, A.B., Al Amire, K., Khan, M., Moe, A.A., Nyalwal, B.L.A., Mohamed, A.A. and Ruto, T.K., 2022. Adaptation of care for non-communicable diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic: a global case study. BMJ Global Health, 7(Suppl 5), p.e006620.

MSF Access Campaign, Santé Diabète, 2022.Towards insulin for all: operationalising the WHA74 resolution on diabetes. Accessible from:

Ogle, G., Middlehurst, A., Silink, M. and Hanas, R., 2017. Pocketbook for management of diabetes in childhood and adolescence in under-resourced countries. International Diabetes Federation.

Resolve to Safe Lives, MSF Access Campaign, 2022. Under Pressure: Strategies to improve access to antihypertensive medicines. Accessible from:

World Health Organization, 2019. Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. WHA72 (11). Geneva: WHO.

World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa, 2020. WHO PEN and Integrated Outpatient Care for Severe, Chronic NCDs at First Referral Hospitals in the African Region (PEN-Plus): Report on Regional Consultation.

World Health Organization, 2021. WHO guidance on preparing for national response to health emergencies and disasters.

World Health Organization, 2022. Noncommunicable Diseases Data Portal. Accessible from:

Job vacancy: Consultant - Global Financing Mechanism(s) Applicable for NCD Service Delivery in Humanitarian Settings

Within the framework of its international strategy, the Danish Red Cross aims to engage in broad alliances and partnerships to explore new ways to increase investments in the prevention and care of NCDs in humanitarian settings. Over the years DRC has developed strong expertise, engagement, and partnerships within NCDs prevention and care, with a particular focus on humanitarian and fragile settings. DRC aims to bring these experiences to scale and explore how the DRC can facilitate, support or take the lead on ensuring further global investments in NCDs management with the aim of substantially increasing access to NCD prevention, treatment, care and support for people affected by crisis situations and other vulnerabilities.  


  • A mapping report on existing funding mechanisms for NCDs globally, as well as specifically in humanitarian and fragile settings (15 pages max excluding annexes).  

  • Recommendations regarding potential funding mechanisms for NCD prevention and care including a feasibility assessment on the potential to mobilize a global financing initiative for NCD management containing findings and recommendations for next steps. Format: This can be a brief report (maximum 6 pages excluding annexes) or a slide deck highlighting different options, their pros and cons, as well as recommendations. 

  • A presentation to the Reference Group and ICRC focal point of the preliminary findings. 

  • A presentation to the representatives of DRC’s International Management team for further discussion among the team and ICRC management representative. 

The work is expected to start October 1st, with a deadline of December 20th. 30 days across a period of two and a half months. Moreover, there will be a budget to cover miscellaneous costs such as for meetings and workshops. Application deadline: 15th September 2022.

Details on the post can be found in the job description.

New publication: Factors Influencing the Implementation of Remote Delivery Strategies for NCD care in LMICs: A Narrative Review

Favas, C., Ansbro, É., Eweka, E., Agarwal, G., Lazo Porras, M., Tsiligianni, I., Vedanthan, R., Webster, R., Perel, P. and Murphy, A., 2022. Factors Influencing the Implementation of Remote Delivery Strategies for Non-Communicable Disease Care in Low-and Middle-Income Countries: A Narrative Review. Public Health Reviews, p.21.

New publications: Two reviews and an editorial

Leff, R., Selvam, A., Bernstein, R., Wallace, L., Hayward, A., Agrawal, P., Hersey, D. and Ngaruiya, C., 2021. A Review of Interventions for Non-Communicable Diseases in Humanitarian Emergencies in Low-and Middle-Income Countries. medRxiv.

Patel, P., Kiapi, L. and Gomez, E.J., 2022. Launching a new series on non-communicable prevention in humanitarian settings. BMJ Global Health, 7(Suppl 5), p.e009710.

Schmid, B., Ansbro, É., Raju, E., Willis, R., Shabila, N. and Perel, P., 2022. Models of care for non-communicable diseases for displaced populations in Iraq: a scoping review. Conflict and Health, 16(1), pp.1-18.

New publication: Qualitative study of global experts' perspectives on models of care (issue brief)
New publication: Building long-term NCD emergency preparedness and responses for humanitarian crises (policy brief)
New publication: Global experts' view on care models for hypertension and diabetes in crises
Job vacancy: Program and Community Manager at IADA

The International Alliance for Diabetes Action (iada) is a partnership of over 40 international organizations with an interest in diabetes from different sectors that is developing concrete collaborative initiatives that will increase access to and quality of care for people with diabetes in humanitarian settings. The Program and Community Manager will help build, grow, and manage the iada community (online and offline) by coordinating the alliance around the objectives of the annual plan, managing communications, public relations, social media, content creation and helping plan live events, such as the annual symposium. They will also provide organisational management for the secretariat and together with the board of directors develop and implement a fundraising strategy.

The post is part-time (8 hours per week) at 0.2 FTE, remote and fixed-term for 6-12 months. Application deadline: 9th March.

Details on the post can be found in the job description.

Job vacancy: Research Fellow at LSHTM

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is a world-leading centre for research and postgraduate education in public and global health. We are looking for a Research Fellow to join the P4C team (a partnership between LSHTM, International Committee of the Red Cross, Danish Red Cross and Novo Nordisk) to strengthen non-communicable disease care models in humanitarian settings. 

The post is full-time 35 hours per week, 1.0 FTE and fixed-term until 31 December 2022. Application deadline (extended): 15th March 2022.

Details on the post can be found in the job description.

New publications: Multiple resources were added to the hub

Arakelyan, S., Jailobaeva, K., Dakessian, A., Diaconu, K., Caperon, L., Strang, A., Bou-Orm, I.R., Witter, S. and Ager, A., 2021. The role of trust in health-seeking for non-communicable disease services in fragile contexts: A cross-country comparative studySocial Science & Medicine291, p.114473.

Barth, C.A., Wladis, A., Blake, C., Bhandarkar, P., Perone, S.A. and O'Sullivan, C., 2021. Retrospective observational study of characteristics of persons with amputations accessing International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) rehabilitation centres in five conflict and postconflict countriesBMJ open11(12), p.e049533.

Ibragimov, K., Palma, M., Keane, G., Ousley, J., Crowe, M., Carreño, C., Casas, G., Mills, C. and Llosa, A., 2022. Shifting to Tele-Mental Health in humanitarian and crisis settings: an evaluation of Médecins Sans Frontières experience during the COVID-19 pandemicConflict and Health16(1), pp.1-15.

Kehlenbrink, S., Mahboob, O., Al-Zubi, S., Boulle, P., Perone, S.A., Alani, A.H., Kiapi, L., Miller, L., Hering, H., Woodman, M. and Donelan, K., 2022. An inter-humanitarian agency study of diabetes care and surveillance in humanitarian settings. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

New publications: Integrating mental health and psychosocial support within NCD prevention and care (study and scoping report)

Gyawali, B., Harasym, M.C., Hassan, S., Cooper, K., Boschma, A., Bird, M., Konradsen, F., Raju, E. and Tellier, S., 2021. Not an ‘either/or’: Integrating mental health and psychosocial support within non-communicable disease prevention and care in humanitarian response. Journal of Global Health, 11.

Scoping report: Integrating Mental Health And Psychosocial Support Within Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Care In Humanitarian Response. An exploratory review. IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support. 2021.

New publication: Systematic review of models of care (issue brief)