
Blog: Weekly links | Week of the 17th June

Like this start-stop-start(?) summer we’re having in London, we’ve not always been able to throw together the Weekly Links blog post. We’ll try as hard as we can to put one out each Friday, but only when we’re found enough interesting material. Hopefully you’ll agree the five links below were worth the wait:

  • We though that this blog was interesting, on the challenges of evaluating integrated care in UK. Eilís Keeble refers to multiple issues: data not always capturing the same populations, definitions of indicators changing over time, challenge identifying comparison places in a settings where multiple things are going on, etc. Probably sounds familiar to some of you.
  • We’ve recently discovered a website called ‘Changeroo’ for developing theories of change. From the animated video on the homepage, and video of the software being used, it looks promising. Please be in touch if you have used it or are planning to. they also have a ‘ToC-Academy‘ with free tools and resources to develop and refine theories of change.
  • From @fp2p on Twitter: “When will we get a report on your findings?”, reflections on researcher accountability from the DRC by Christian Chiza Kashurha. Lots to think about, including this scene: One day, I was passing back through [a research] community when suddenly I came across two of our former respondents. After some greetings, their words grew blunt: “Manake mulikuyaka tu tupondeya muda na kukamata maoni yetu nanjo muka poteya! Ju mpaka sai hatuya onaka mutu ana kuya tuambiya bili ishiaka wapi.” (“So basically, you just came here to waste our time collecting our opinions – and then that’s that: you disappeared! Because since then, we’ve never had anyone come back to tell us the outcome or results of what you were doing here.”) One of the two was very blunt indeed: “Si mulishaka kula zenu, basi muna weza tu kumbuka siye benye tulitumaka muna pata hizo makuta.” (“Now that you’ve gotten your food [i.e. been paid for your research], couldn’t you at least remember those of us who made that possible for you?”)
  • Speaking of communicating results, Alexander Coppock has produced a paper on visualisation for randomised controlled trials, using R. He’s even published the code for the paper, here.
  • By discussing the example of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention programme in the USA, and the low impact of the interventions, the Straight Talk on Evidence blog touch on a more general issue. They say the low impact was because the method for choosing interventions was not good. They contrast this with a different, more rigorous, approach. How interventions are chosen, and for what places, seems somewhat under researched, despite potentially huge influence over the effects observed.
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