1. Introduction
The LSHTM Archives Service is part of the Library, Archive & Open Research Services (LAORS). The LSHTM Archives Service collects, catalogues, preserves and provides access to the archive collections of the School. The purpose of this Access Statement is to ensure the Archives Service fulfils its responsibility to provide the broadest possible access to these collections, in accordance with the LAORS Strategy and in proportion to the resources available.
This statement defines the principles that ensure that access to the Archives Service resources and facilities is consistent and equitable to all users and in line with professional best practices and relevant legislation.
2. LAORS mission, vision and strategy
The Archives Service aims to make the School’s collection available for public consultation and research in line with the LAORS mission which is to:
To provide excellent information-related services, resources and support to the School in pursuit of its mission to improve health and health equity in the UK and worldwide.
LAS also has a vision statement:
A user-focused service delivered by empowered staff within a creative and supportive environment.
Access to the Archives Service collections is at the core of the LAORS Strategic Plan with objectives on reducing the cataloguing backlog with new approaches to cataloguing and implementing systems for ingesting born digital records.
3. Stakeholders and community
The Archives Service serves the following stakeholders and community:
- LSHTM staff, students, alumni and governing body
- Members of other educational institutions
- Depositors of records held by the Archives Service
- Those who fund the archives through core funding and grants (LSHTM, Wellcome Trust)
- Any member of the public with an interest in the archives
- Local archival and historical institutions and organisations (Camden Local History Library, UCL Institute of Education)
- National Archival institutions (The National Archives)
4. Access to the collections
Any individual is welcome to view the records held in the Archives Service, irrespective of age (users under 16 years of age may need to be accompanied by an adult), gender, ethnicity, disability (further information in section 7), religious or political affiliation or any other similar differentiation, in line with the LSHTM Equality and Diversity Strategy.
Access to information about the collections can be found on the following:
- Archives web pages and the online Archives catalogue
- Library web pages (via the Discovery search tool)
- Networks: AIM25, Archives Hub and The National Archives Discovery Portal
- Contacting the Archives staff by email, letter, or telephone, or in person during opening hours.
The Archives Service is committed to providing an excellent service to its users. However, in the event that a user is unhappy with the service provided, we will endeavour to resolve the problem. In the first instance any complaint should be made to the Archivist & Records Manager. In the event of an unsatisfactory resolution, the complaint will be referred to the Director of Library, Archive & Open Research Service.
The Archives Service works with the LSHTM Communications and Engagement Department, including the Public Engagement Officer, the Centre for History in Public Health, the Decolonising Global Health Group and the LGBTQ+ network to support the work of the School in promoting its work to a wider audience. This includes support for staff at Student Open Days, building tours, conferences, seminars, webinars, visits and events.
The Archive Service provides information for its users on its web pages, on the LAS blog, and via regular posts on the Archives X (formerly Twitter) account.
The Archive Service aims to incorporate the views of its community and stakeholders into the development of its work through surveys, feedback forms and statistical analysis.
5. On-site access
Original documents held by the Archives Service can be consulted by any person free of charge in the Archives Search Room, which is located within the Library at the LSHTM, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT.
Researchers are required to make an appointment prior to visiting the archives in order to ensure that adequate staff and resources are available to fulfil their request. Researchers are required to complete a registration form which also gives guidance for those using the archives and produce identification before consulting the archives. The Archives Service reserves the right to turn away users without an appointment, this is due to limited on-site staffing, however the team will do their best to arrange an appointment at a convenient time for the researcher.
Users are able to visit the Archives Search Room during designated opening hours. These are available on the Archives web pages. The Archives Service may occasionally have to close to the public during designated opening hours for teaching and group visits and other commitments.
The Archives staff will provide courteous and helpful guidance to any user who visits the Archives. Users can expect to receive assistance in using finding aids and catalogues, identifying useful research materials and handling archival material.
In order to ensure equal and responsible access, researchers are expected to respect the Archive materials, staff and other users, and adhere to the guidelines governing access. Users are informed of the guidelines that they must follow upon registration, these have been developed in order to ensure the long term preservation of the archive collections.
The Archives Service aims to make all material from its holdings accessible to any individual. However, there are certain circumstances under which access may be restricted to individual documents or collections. These are as follows:
- Legislative purposes in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) and the Data Protection Act (2018)
- Preservation purposes
Access to a document may be refused where the document is in a particularly fragile condition, or where handling is likely to cause damage to the document. The decision to refuse access on the grounds of preservation purposes is made at the discretion of the most senior member of Archives staff on duty, but arrangements may be made to provide access to a surrogate copy. Researchers are entitled to apply for access to such material by submitting a written request to the Archivist & Records Manager.
- Depositor’s wishes
Some of the collections held by the Archives Service have been deposited here by their legal owners to allow consultation by researchers. When this occurs, a deposit agreement with the owner has been agreed. Occasionally, depositors may stipulate that certain conditions must be met for access to be granted, or ask for a designated closure period to be applied to particular documents.
- Business sensitivity
Certain LSHTM records are closed for a period following their creation. Researchers are entitled to apply for access to such material under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, there is more information on our website on the Freedom of Information page and users can submit a request by email to FOI@lshtm.ac.uk.
- Sensitive records not covered by Data Protection
Certain records may be restricted if the contents may cause harm or damage to a living individual, contains graphic medical content or relate to illegal or criminal practices.
- Uncatalogued material
46% of the School’s archive holdings are uncatalogued. Access to uncatalogued material may be restricted.
If access to individual documents or collections is refused, the reason for doing so will be explained to the user in full.
6. Remote access
The Archives Service recognises that it is not always possible or practical for researchers to visit the School in person. The service will endeavour to provide remote access as far as is reasonable within the resources available.
The Archives Service will respond to all enquiries received by email, letter, telephone or social media channels. All enquiries should be acknowledged within two working days, and final responses will be sent within one week unless exceptional circumstances apply.
The Archives Service will provide information on its holdings, and perform limited research within its holdings, free of charge. For particularly lengthy or detailed research, Archives staff will refer users to the list of independent researchers provided by The National Archives.
The Archives Service will provide access to selected material online through digitisation projects, blogs, social media and online exhibitions as far as is reasonably practical. This is dependent upon resources available and legal considerations including copyright law.
7. Users with disabilities
The LSHTM Archives Service aims to serve all of its community, including those with disabilities or individual access requirements.
The Archives search room is located in our Keppel Street building. The building is accessible by steps or ramp (both with handrails). Toilets, including facilities suitable for wheelchair users, are available on the ground floor. This is not a Changing Places toilet, the nearest Changing Places toilet is at University College London’s Institute of Education building.
The Archive search room can be found on the first floor of the building. The entrance and reading rooms are accessible via lift or stairs. There is a push button automatic door to enter the Library Reading Room.
The following assistive equipment and materials are available:
- Hand-held magnification sheets to help read text
- Book rests to hold material at a convenient angle
- Two adjustable height study desks are available
- A portable induction hearing loop is located at the Library Enquiries Desk
Researchers are welcome to use their own assistive aids and bring a companion to assist in their research if necessary. Researchers are welcome to bring assistance dogs.
8. Provision of copies of documents
The Archives Service will endeavour to provide copies of documents to onsite and remote users at a reasonable cost to the user. Current charges can be found in the Photocopying and Scanning Procedures.
Users are permitted to take digital photographs of material free of charge as an alternative to purchasing photocopies or scans, subject to copyright restrictions. Further information is available in the Digital Camera Procedures.
The Archives Service has a responsibility and duty of care to the unique resources in the archives and may refuse to copy material if the process is likely to damage it. This includes bound volumes, photographs and oversized material. Alternative forms of copying may be offered if appropriate (e.g. an item may be able to be photographed by the School for a fee). However, it this is not possible, the Archives Service reserves the right to refuse to provide copies. The decision to refuse to make copies of material on the grounds of preservation is made at the discretion of the most senior member of staff on duty.
Copies of material are created and provided to or taken by users with due regard to copyright and intellectual property law. No user will be provided with copies of documents, nor permitted to take their own digital photographs of documents, without first completing a copyright declaration form.
Copies of material are created or taken for private research use only. Copies provided or taken for commercial purposes may be subject to a reproduction fee.
9. Access to digital archives
The Archives Service holds a small but growing collection of digital archives, which consists of both born-digital and digitised material.
Access to digital images (both born digital and digitised material) is available to staff and students via Assetbank, the School’s image management system. Access to this system is available to researchers who visit the Search Room, and temporary access to this system can be arranged for remote users.
10. Decolonising the Archives principles
The Archives Service is re-examining the way we work, the stories we tell and the role we play in promoting different versions of history. In July 2020 the Archives Service developed a set of decolonising the archives principles and an operational plan, which is updated annually These were created to provide a framework for our ongoing work as we aim to address the bias inherent within the archive, decolonise our collections, and look to create a more inclusive research environment.
The Decolonising the Archives principles are available on our website.
11. Implementation and review
This Access Statement will be communicated to LAORS staff, to interested parties within LSHTM, and to external agencies and others with an interest in its context on demand. It will be made available to the public via the Archives web pages.
The Access Statement will be reviewed every two years by the LAORS Management Team. This does not preclude earlier review should internal or external development warrant it.
12. Useful sources
Policies and sources of advice consulted during the drafting of this Access Statement include:
King’s College London, Archives Services Access Policy
Institute of Education Archives Access Statement
UCL Special Collections Access Statement
Archivist & Records Manager
July 2023