
Promoting Research Collaboration: LSHTM Director Visits MRC Unit The Gambia

On Tuesday, March 12, 2024, the Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Professor Liam Smeeth, along with Caroline Relton, the Pro-Director of Research & Academic Development embarked on a weeklong visit to MRC Unit The Gambia (MRCG).
Professional Group Photograph: MRCG and LHSTM Board Meeting with the Ministry of Health of The Gambia.

The visit seeks to strengthen scientific research strategies and foster increased collaboration between LSHTM and MRCG. It also presented an opportunity to discuss ways to enhance and nurture research capacities in The Gambia and the subregion, including contribution to national health policies and global health initiatives.

During their visit, Liam and Caroline engaged with research and cross-cutting themes at the Unit to gain a better understanding of MRCG’s strategic focus in The Gambia, especially capacity building and mentorship for early and mid-career scientists.

As part of their engagements in the country, the team also paid courtesy visits to the Ministry of Health and the University of The Gambia. These are part of efforts to strengthen the continued collaboration between MRCG and the Government of The Gambia. The meetings highlighted our strategic support to the Government, including capacity strengthening for improved national health systems, epidemic preparedness and response, and training.

“The work of MRCG translates into improvements in human health in The Gambia, West Africa more widely, and globally. LSHTM is committed to supporting the Unit, building towards ever greater long-term success,” Professor Liam SmeethDirector of LSHTM highlighted.

“MRCG and Gambia Government have a shared vision for improved health in The Gambia and research is at the core of this vision”, noted Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh, Minister of Health.

The discussions also focused on the importance of building and nurturing research talent to strengthen national health systems and capacities.

“Collaboration with MRCG is crucial to enhance the medical and allied health sciences in The Gambia and medical research”, stated Professor Herbert Robinson, Vice Chancellor, University of The Gambia.

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