Please note: this MSc programme will not run in 2023/24. Applicants may wish to consider the MSc Medical Parasitology, which offers many of the same modules. |
This programme combines theoretical and practical training in biology and control of disease vectors and the human pathogens they transmit. Students will gain specialised skills in the molecular biology of infectious diseases, and will cover all aspects of major vector-borne diseases. The course also offers a thorough grounding in the systematics of medically important arthropods, processes regulating vector populations, and the biology of vector–parasite and vector–vertebrate interactions.
By the end of this programme students will be able to:
- demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of the biology of vectors and intermediate hosts of human pathogens together with methods for their control
- describe the biology, life cycles, pathogenesis and diagnosis of parasitic infections in humans and relate these to human health and disease control strategies
- demonstrate a range of specialised technical and analytical skills relevant to vectors and vector borne diseases, e.g. sampling, identification dissection, diagnostics, experimental design, data analysis, control technologies and strategies
- design and carry out a small research project on the biology or control of disease vectors, analyse and interpret the results and prepare a written report including a critical literature review
- design, carry out and evaluate vector control interventions using the specialised knowledge and skills mentioned above
- show competence, both written and verbal, in communicating scientific information and findings
Duration: one year full-time or split-study over two years. Ways to study explained.
Medical Entomology for Disease Control
Watch Senior Lecturer, James Logan, and students talk about the programme.
Please note: this MSc programme will not run in 2023/24. Applicants may wish to consider the MSc Medical Parasitology, which offers many of the same modules. |
The below structure outlines the proposed modules for this programme. Programme and module specifications provide full details about the aims and objectives of each module, what you will study and how the module is assessed.
- Structure of the year
- Term 1
Students take two compulsory AB1 modules:
- Parasitology & Entomology
- Analysis & Design of Research Studies
Optional module: Molecular Biology
Sessions on basic computing and statistics are run throughout the term for all students.
- Terms 2 and 3
Students take a total of five study modules, one from each timetable slot (C1, C2, D1, D2, E). The list below shows recommended or compulsory modules. There are other optional modules which may be taken only after consultation with the Programme Director.
C1 slot
- Malaria: From Science to Policy and Practice
C2 slot
- Advanced Diagnostic Parasitology
D1 slot
- Vector Sampling, Identification & Incrimination (compulsory)
D2 slot
- Vector Biology & Vector-Parasite Interactions
E slot
- Integrated Vector Management (compulsory)
- Residential field trip
There is a compulsory one-week field course, between Terms 2 and 3, on vector and parasite sampling and identification methods. The cost of this is included in the field trip fee.
- Project report
During the summer months (July - August), students complete a field or laboratory research project on an appropriate entomological topic, for submission by early September. Due to our collaborative networking, students are given the opportunity to conduct research projects overseas. This unique experience provides students with skills that are highly desirable to potential employers. The majority of students who undertake projects abroad receive financial support for flights from LSHTM's trust funds set up for this purpose.
Please note: Should it be the case that you are unable to travel overseas or access laboratories in order to complete your project, you will be able to complete an alternative desk-based project allowing you to obtain your qualification within the original time frame. Alternatively, you will be able to defer your project to the following year.
The James Busvine Memorial Medal and Prize, donated by Professor James Busvine in 1987, is awarded each year for outstanding performance.
Changes to the programme
LSHTM will seek to deliver this programme in accordance with the description set out on this programme page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for LSHTM to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. For further information, please see our page on changes to courses.
Please note: this MSc programme will not run in 2023/24. Applicants may wish to consider the MSc Medical Parasitology, which offers many of the same modules. |
In order to be admitted to an LSHTM master's degree programme, an applicant must:
- hold either a first degree at Second Class Honours (2:2) standard in a relevant discipline, or a degree in medicine recognised by the UK General Medical Council (GMC) for the purposes of practising medicine in the UK, or another degree of equivalent standard awarded by an overseas institution recognised by UK ENIC or the GMC.
- hold a professional qualification appropriate to the programme of study to be followed obtained by written examinations and judged by LSHTM to be equivalent to a Second Class Honours (2:2) degree or above.
- have relevant professional experience or training which is judged by LSHTM to be equivalent to a Second Class Honours (2:2) degree or above.
If you have not previously studied in the UK, you can check our guide to international equivalent qualifications for our master's degrees.
An additional preferred requirement for the MSc Medical Entomology for Disease Control is an interest in medical entomology, public health and disease control.
Relevant subjects for the MSc Medical Entomology for Disease Control include biological and biomedical sciences and zoology. Other life science qualifications (e.g. medicine, ecology, forensic science, public health, environmental science, pharmacy and medical engineering) will be considered subject to evidence within transcripts or relevance of research projects or work experience. Within the application it should be clear how the MSc would further your career or interests in parasitic diseases and/or their vectors.
Applicants who do not meet the minimum entry requirement, but who have relevant professional experience may still be eligible for admission. Qualifications and experience will be assessed from the application.
English language requirements
If English is not your first language, you will need to meet these requirements: Band B
It is possible to apply without English language test results however the results of a test may be listed as a condition of an offer of admission. Please see our English language requirements for more information.
Intercalating students
You will need the equivalent of a bachelor's degree to undertake an MSc. This will usually require you to have a BSc degree or have completed the first three years of your medical degree. More information on intercalating an MSc at LSHTM.
Please note: this MSc programme will not run in 2023/24. Applicants may wish to consider the MSc Medical Parasitology, which offers many of the same modules. |
Fees 2025/26 | ||
Home | Full-time | £14,910 |
Part-time | £7,455 | |
EU/Overseas | Full-time | £31,890 |
Part-time | £15,945 | |
Field Trip | £900 |
*Mobile users, scroll right to view fees
Please note: this MSc programme will not run in 2023/24. Applicants may wish to consider the MSc Medical Parasitology, which offers many of the same modules. |
Graduates from this programme use their specialist skills to go into a range of careers; from operational control programmes and applied basic research to academia.
Below you will find just a few of the positions and organisations that our graduates from this course have entered after graduating:
- Example job titles:
- Example organisations:
Institute for Animal Health
Ipsos MORI
Ministry of Health
Natural History Museum
The Mentor Initiative
The Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Community Colleges of Chicago
Utah Department of Health
Hear from MSc Medical Entomology for Disease Control staff & students
Hear from James Logan, senior lecturer, and some of our students in this brief introduction to the MSc Medical Entomology for Disease Control Master's programme at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Please note: this MSc programme will not run in 2023/24. Applicants may wish to consider the MSc Medical Parasitology, which offers many of the same modules. |
Applications should be made online and will only be considered once you have provided all required information and supporting documentation.
Please also read LSHTM's Admissions policies (pdf) prior to submitting your application.
You can apply for up to two master's programmes. Make sure to list them by order of preference as consideration will be given to your top choice first.
Please ensure you pay careful attention to the content of your personal statement (page limit: 1 page). We do not invite applicants for interviews, so the clarity and relevance of the information you provide in your personal statement are of considerable importance to us. We would like to know your experiences in relevant fields(s), your reasons for applying to our MSc, what you hope to gain from the training we offer, and how you intend to use the knowledge and skills you acquired to further your career and contribute to improving sexual and reproductive health.
Application fee
A standard non-refundable application fee of £50 applies to all taught Master’s degree programmes and is payable upon application submission. Income generated from the application fee is shared between scholarships and the student hardship funds.
Application deadline
The final closing dates for all taught Master’s applications for entry in the 2025/26 academic year is:
- Sunday 27 July 2025 at 23:59 UK time for all students requiring a Student visa
- Sunday 31 August 2025 at 23:59 UK time for all UK, Irish and non-Student visa students
Tuition fee deposit
Applicants are required to respond to their Offer of Admission and pay the £500 deposit within 28 days of receipt, or their place will be released and the offer automatically declined. The deposit is deductible from tuition fees upon full registration with LSHTM. Applicants in receipt of a full scholarship will not be required to pay the deposit.
Do you need a visa?
Please visit our Visa & Immigration pages for advice and guidance.