Overview - HIV

The overall module aim is to cover a comprehensive range of topics on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and intended to be applicable in a wide variety of settings.

Intended learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the module, a student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key concepts related to the epidemiology, infection dynamics, and natural history of HIV.
  • Describe and critically appraise the different components of HIV services and how HIV programmes are designed and implemented to meet the needs of all people living with HIV.
  • Critically evaluate how political, social, economic and ethical contexts impact the HIV response.
  • Integrate the aforementioned knowledge and skills to develop context-specific HIV prevention, testing and treatment programmes.

Session Content

The module is expected to cover the following topics:

  • The biology of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and how this affects the immune system.
  • Clinical features of HIV infection including diagnosis and treatment.
  • Epidemiology of HIV infection.
  • Routes of transmission and the impact of HIV/AIDS prevention and control strategies.
  • Social determinants that are relevant to the spread and control of HIV.
  • Issues related to HIV programming, counselling and ethical issues.
  • An in-depth debate.

Mode of delivery

This module is delivered predominantly face-to-face. Where specific teaching methods (lectures, seminars, discussion groups) are noted in this module specification these will be delivered by predominantly face-to-face sessions. There will be a combination of live and interactive activities (synchronous learning) as well as self-directed study (asynchronous learning).


The formal assessment of this module is a three-page report. The first two pages are based on group work presenting a profile of an HIV epidemic in a specified country (30%). The third page is based on individual coursework preparing a concept note for a funding application (70%).


  • CATS: 15
  • ECTS: 7.5

Module specification

For full information regarding this module please see the module specification.

Entry requirements - HIV

This module is intended for students with some level of scientific background who wish to broaden their perspective on the various subject areas of HIV/AIDS. Students who wish to concentrate on the biomedical aspects of HIV/AIDS should consider taking the Clinical Virology (3187) module,

How to apply
How to apply - E

Applications for Term 3 E modules are currently open and will close on Tuesday 1 April 2025. Applications should be made online via our application portal.