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MSc Medical Entomology for Disease Control (pre-course info)

General welcome

Welcome to LSHTM and congratulations on being accepted onto this programme. We hope that you enjoy your MSc, and all that LSHTM (and London) has to offer. Please take full advantage of the opportunity to liaise with our research staff, who have varied backgrounds in public health, and the option to undertake a research project in your particular interest (from laboratory diagnostics in a molecular laboratory to field projects in an endemic country; usually involving one of our many collaborating centres based overseas). You will also find the residential field course, held between Terms 2 and 3, to be one of the highlights of the programme.

Welcome Week

Welcome Week timetable

Term 1

During the first term, the main elements of the MSc are:

1. Parasitology and entomology. This includes lectures and laboratory practicals on parasitological diseases and insect vectors of importance in tropical and developing countries. In addition, you will undertake sessions on methods used for performing independent research.

2. Analysis of design of research studies. These sessions cover important statistical concepts and techniques relevant to the design and analysis of research studies, both laboratory-based and field-based.

3. Molecular Biology. These sessions provide you with a grounding in molecular biology in preparation for relevant study units later in the year.

Reading list

It may be useful if you have limited prior knowledge of disease vectors or parasites to look through one of the text books listed below but there is no essential requirement for this. It might be worthwhile looking through recent issues of the monthly journal Trends in Parasitology, which provides reviews on current topics of interest in vector control or parasitology. Note that we do not recommend an individual book as each has its strengths and weaknesses and it would be wrong to suggest that the MSc relies on a particular source. Neither do we insist you buy any book for the programme. You will find all the recommended books and journals in our well-equipped library.


Service, M.W. (2012) Medical Entomology for Students. 5th edition. Cambridge University Press; ISBN 9781107668188 [A concise small paperback book providing basic information on the recognition, biology, medical importance and control of arthropods affecting human health. This is the cheapest option if you want to buy one textbook on medical entomology]

Lane, R.P. & Crosskey, R.W. (1993) Medical Insects and Arachnids. Chapman & Hall, London. [This expensive hardback book is required reading for those wishing to specialise in medical entomology, as it provides an excellent guide to the identification of the various arthropod groups. As a multi-author volume, it provides authoritative information on each taxonomic group, but is somewhat limited in its coverage of public health significance or control]

Rozendall, J.A. (1997) Vector Control. Methods for use by individuals and communities. WHO. [This cheap paperback is a really excellent review of vector control methods. It is designed to be practical, rather than theoretical, and is full of helpful illustrations. If you are ever responsible to vector control in the field, you will want this book]

Lehane, M.J. (2005). The Biology of Blood-sucking in Insects. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press; ISBN 0521836085

Roberts, L.S. & Janovy, J. (2009) Gerald D Schmidt & Larry S Roberts’ Foundations of Parasitology. 8th edition. McGraw Hill Higher Education.


Peters W & Pasvol G (2007) Colour Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 6th edition. London, Mosby. [Mostly colour pictures: expensive but very nice, for reference if not to buy]

Cox, F.E.G., Kreier, J.P., Wakelin, D (eds) Topley and Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial Infections, Tenth Edition Vol. 5 Parasitology (2007) Wiley Group [A very good source of references]

Cheesebrough, M. (2006) District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries. Cambridge University Press. [This book is designed to help those working in district laboratories in developing countries. It has a good large section on parasite diagnosis. It is available at low cost]

Farrar, J., Hotez, P., Junghanss, T., Kang, G., Lalloo, D., and White, N.J. (2014) Manson’s Tropical Diseases. 23rd edition. Saunders, London.

Despommier, D.D., Gwadz, R.G., Hotez, P., Knirsch, C. (2005) Parasitic Diseases. Apple Trees Productions, LLC, Pub., New York. 5th edition. Second Printing.

Zeibig, E. (2012) Clinical Parasitology: A Practical Approach. 2nd edition. Saunders. ISBN-10: 1416060448 ISBN-13: 978-1416060444

Beeching, N. & Gill, G. (2014). Lecture Notes: Tropical Medicine. 7th edition. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN-10: 0470658533 ISBN-13: 978-0470658536

Programme handbook

MSc Medical Entomology for Disease Control Handbook 2022-23 (pdf)

Page last updated September 2022