- Welcome week
- Programme handbook
Coming soon
Please note that the teaching is intensive and we advise full-time students not to do paid work for more than six hours per week.
- Reading list
We suggest that you buy only one of the recommended books. Other textbooks may be recommend for different modules throughout the year.
Practical Statistics for Medical Research. Altman, Chapman and Hall, 1990, ISBN: 0412276305
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Armitage, Berry and Matthews, Fourth Edition, Blackwell, 2001, ISBN: 9780632052578
Biostatistics: A Methodology for the Health Sciences. Van Belle, Fisher, Heagerty and Lumley, Second Edition, Wiley, 2004, ISBN: 978-0471031857
Essential Medical Statistics. Kirkwood and Sterne, Second Edition, Blackwell, 2003, ISBN: 9780865428713
- Revision documents
- Matrix (pdf)
- Probability (pdf)
- Functions and calculus (pdf) - Information for new part-time students
You will attend the MSc two days per week – Monday and Tuesday during the first year and Thursday and Friday in the second year, though this may vary in Terms 2 and 3 depending on your module selection. More details will be given during the welcome week, but also feel free to email the Programme Administrator at Eimear.Connolly@lshtm.ac.uk if you have any questions ahead of then.
- Information for returning part-time students
Please take a look at the timetable for welcome week. Welcome week is optional for second year part-time students, although we strongly recommend that you attend the welcome lunch and the staff-student introduction to get to know the new students.
There will be a social event later in the week to which you are warmly invited – again this would be a good opportunity to get to know the new students.
There will also be a farewell event for the outgoing students on the day of the project submission deadline. Please do come along and say goodbye to them.
Page last updated April 2020