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Ljiljana Lukić

Ljiljana Lukić

Student | Distance learning | Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Epidemiology by Distance Learning

Contact Ljiljana Lukić
Ljiljana Lukic

Educational/professional background

I completed a Medical Doctor's degree at the Medical School of Zagreb, Croatia during which I took several courses in International Health with the University of Oslo. After working as an ER doctor in Zagreb, I started a residency in infectious diseases at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases. During the residency period, I took several breaks to work on a project establishing a pre-hospital emergency system in Sierra Leone. I'm an active member of the ESCMID ( European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ) working on the Society's clinical guidelines.

Research interests or career goals

I am interested in viral diseases and immunology, including vaccines. Several years ago I started an online page and website for the Balkan region aiming to provide evidence-based vaccine information to all interested. Though firstly aiming mostly at parents, after the COVID-19 pandemics emerged, it became a much larger platform gathering many scientists, public health experts, pharmacologists, and other relevant professions who are working on COVID-19 vaccine communication. I would like to explore more of that field in the future in my work.

Why I chose LSHTM/my programme

I wanted to gain formal education in epidemiology. However, with work and family obligations, a one-year move to London or anywhere else was not possible. Considering that LSHTM is widely known for its well-established and organised distance learning programmes, it was an easy choice. I liked the flexibility and possibility to customise the pace of completing the course, as well as the opportunity of choosing electives from other relevant programmes, other than epidemiology.

Contact Ljiljana Lukić

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